Courage to See

Sunday 30 in Year B

Reflection on Bartimaeus: A Journey from Isolation to Community

In the biblical narrative, the story of Bartimaeus, the blind beggar, serves as a profound illustration of the human experience of isolation and the transformative power of community and love. Bartimaeus, positioned on the outskirts of society, embodies the struggles of those who feel disconnected and marginalised. His blindness is not merely a physical condition; it symbolises a deeper sense of alienation from the community around him.

The Impact of Isolation

This week, I had the opportunity to visit a parishioner who is also blind. He shared with me the significant impact that his service dog had on his life. Unfortunately, due to the dog’s old age, he had to return it and is now waiting for a new one. This experience highlighted for me the profound difference that companionship and guidance can make in the life of someone who is isolated. When crossing the street, for instance, he relies on tactile cues and sounds, but without a guide dog, he struggles to navigate safely. This illustrates the deep sense of disconnection that can accompany disability and the vital role that support systems play in fostering a sense of belonging.

Bartimaeus: A Man of Courage and Determination

As we delve into Bartimaeus’s story, we must consider the mindset of this man who, despite his blindness, demonstrates remarkable courage and determination. He is not just a nameless figure in the crowd; he is Bartimaeus, the son of Timaeus, a man known to his community. This detail is significant, as it suggests that he is not entirely forgotten or invisible. There is a history, a narrative that connects him to those around him, even if he is physically on the margins.

Seizing the Moment

When Bartimaeus hears that Jesus is passing by, he seizes the moment. Despite the crowd’s attempts to silence him, he cries out, “Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!” This moment is pivotal; it reflects his desperation and hope. He knows that this may be his only chance to encounter Jesus, the one he has heard so much about. The crowd may have been focused on their own needs and desires, but Bartimaeus’s singular focus on Jesus sets him apart.

An Invitation to the Centre

Interestingly, Jesus does not immediately approach Bartimaeus. Instead, he invites him to come forward. This is a departure from other miracle stories where Jesus often goes directly to those in need. By bringing Bartimaeus into the centre of the crowd, Jesus acknowledges his worth and dignity. He is no longer on the periphery; he is invited into the heart of the community.

The Power of Personal Encounter

When Jesus asks Bartimaeus, “What do you want me to do for you?” it is a deeply personal and intimate question. Jesus, who knows all things, still desires to hear Bartimaeus’s own expression of need. This interaction emphasises the importance of personal encounter in our spiritual journeys. It is not enough to simply receive blessings or grace; we must articulate our desires and needs. This is a reminder that our relationship with Jesus is not transactional but relational.

Articulating Our Desires

Bartimaeus responds with clarity and conviction: “Master, I want to see.” This simple yet profound request encapsulates the essence of his longing—not just for physical sight but for a deeper understanding and connection to the world around him. In many ways, Bartimaeus’s plea reflects the struggles of the disciples, who often failed to see and understand the true nature of Jesus’s mission. They were caught up in their own aspirations for glory, missing the deeper call to service and humility.

Transformative Encounters with Jesus

As we reflect on this story, we are reminded that our encounters with Jesus are transformative. Bartimaeus’s healing is not just about regaining his sight; it signifies his inclusion in the community of disciples. He becomes a follower of Jesus, embodying the essence of discipleship—being embraced by love and allowing that love to transform his life.

Creating a Loving Community

In the context of our church and community, we must ask ourselves: How can we create an environment that fosters love and acceptance? Pope Francis, in his recent encyclical, emphasises the importance of experiencing the intimate and personal love of Jesus. Until we confront the question of love and our own isolation, discussions about church structures and inclusivity will remain superficial.

Reflecting on Our Own Desires

The story of Bartimaeus invites us to reflect on our own desires and longings. What do we want Jesus to do for us? How can we open ourselves to his love and healing? It is through this encounter that we can begin to address the deeper wounds and struggles in our lives. Bartimaeus’s journey from isolation to community serves as a powerful reminder that love is the foundation of our faith.

Embracing Vulnerability

As we continue to engage with this narrative, let us be inspired by Bartimaeus’s courage to call out to Jesus. Let us not shy away from expressing our needs and desires, for it is in this vulnerability that we can experience true transformation. May we strive to be a community that embraces love, welcomes the marginalised, and fosters a deeper connection with one another and with Jesus.


In conclusion, the story of Bartimaeus is not just a tale of healing; it is a call to discipleship, a reminder of the importance of personal encounter, and an invitation to reflect on our own journeys of faith. As we seek to follow Jesus, let us remember that he asks us the same question: “What do you want me to do for you?” May we respond with open hearts, ready to embrace the love that transforms and connects us all.

By reflecting on Bartimaeus’s journey, we can find inspiration to address our own isolation and seek deeper connections within our community. Let us be a church that embodies the love and acceptance that Jesus offers, creating a space where everyone feels valued and included.

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