Starring: Simon Farnaby, Edward Hodge and Sylvia Sims
Distributor: Madman Entertainment
Runtime: 101 mins. Reviewed in Nov 2011
Gore Blimey! Actually, Bunny does not confront the bull until the end of the film and…!
The writer-director, Paul King, describes his film as a road movie within the central character’s head.
This is a low-budget film that will appeal to those who want something visually different from their entertainment. It combines realism (although filmed on sets and in a studio) as well as some stylised sets and miniatures and a liberal use of animation which has stylistic flair. So, that is what it looks like.
And its content? The plot is an odd couple, buddy movie, well-acted, but they are a couple who raise ambiguous responses because of their eccentricities and the completely laddish personality of betaholic womaniser, Bunny. He is played by Simon Farnaby who does command attention while he is on screen. However, the central character is Stephen, a withdrawn obsessive-compulsive agoraphobic, played by Edward Hodge (who was so remarkable as Jesco White the homicidal folk dancer from West Virginia in White Lightnin’).
Stephen’s flat is filled with boxes and boxes of trivia from tickets to dental floss. When his store of vegetable lasagna is gnawed at by rats, he has to order out – which provokes his memories of the past year and his trip with Bunny (after winning cash with an unlikely bet): visits to exceedingly offbeat and odd museums, stealing a huge stuffed bear from a chalet (run by screen veteran, Sylvia Sims), meeting a mad man who milks dogs, winning a car in a bet and giving a lift to a Spanish dynamo who works in a Polish crab fast food cafe and meeting her would-be matador brother. Which leads to the bull…
Often crass, sometimes crude, sometimes silly, probably to be enjoyed by Bunny-alikes or would-be Bunnies watching it with their mates – but not their girlfriends (if they have any).
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