Bible Geek
Acts – a reading
3 April 2024
The Acts of the Apostles; or, the Acts of King Jesus; or, the Acts of the Holy Spirit. Right click on the chapter heading to save or download the file to your device. The total listen time for the Acts using this recording is 2 hours 14 minutes. Chapter 1 Prologue; the Ascension. I….
Unfathomable mercy
3 April 2022
Lent, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year C
Play MP3Watch videoSunday 5 in Lent, Year C.First Reading ‡ Isaiah 43:16-21 I am doing a new thing and I will give drink to my people.Responsorial ‡ Psalm 125 The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy.Second Reading ‡ Philippians 3:8-14 Because of Christ I look upon everything else as useless in…
The two become one
2 October 2021
Divorce is one of the sad realities of our world. There are very few families that have not been touched by the heartache of separation and divorce. I suspect that my immediate family where my parents and my four siblings are all in multi-decade first marriages makes us rather unusual. The reality is that making…