Audio Bible
The Gospel according to MARK
Chapter 1.
- The proclamation of John the Baptist.
- Jesus is baptised.
- Testing in the desert.
- Jesus begins to proclaim the message.
- The first four disciples are called.
- Jesus teaches in Capernaum and cures a demoniac.
- Cure of Simon’s mother-in-law.
- A number of cures.
- Jesus quietly leaves Capernaum and travels through Galilee.
- Cure of a man suffering from leprosy.
Chapter 2.
- Cure of a paralytic.
- The call of Levi.
- Eating with sinners.
- A discussion on fasting.
- Picking corn on the Sabbath.
Chapter 3.
- Cure of a man with a withered hand.
- The crowds follow Jesus.
- The appointment of the Twelve.
- His family are concerned about Jesus.
- Allegations of the scribes.
- The true family of Jesus.
Chapter 4.
- Parable of the sower.
- Why Jesus spoke in parables.
- The parable of the sower explained.
- Receiving and handing on the teaching of Jesus.
- Parable of the measure.
- Parable of the seed growing by itself.
- Parable of the mustard seed.
- The use of parables.
- The calming of the storm.
Chapter 5.
- The Gerasene demoniac.
- Cure of the woman with a haemorrhage. The daughter of Jairus raised to life.
Chapter 6.
- A visit to Nazareth.
- The mission of the Twelve.
- Herod and Jesus.
- John the Baptist beheaded.
- Feeding of the five thousand.
- Jesus walks on the water.
- Cures at Gennesaret.
Chapter 7.
- The traditions of the Pharisees.
- On clean and unclean.
- The daughter of the Syro-Phoenician woman healed.
- Healing of the deaf man.
Chapter 8.
- Feeding of the four thousand.
- The Pharisees ask for a sign from heaven.
- The yeast of the Pharisees and of Herod.
- Cure of a blind man at Bethsaida.
- Peter’s profession of faith.
- First prophecy of the Passion.
- The condition of following Christ.
Chapter 9.
- The transfiguration.
- The question about Elijah.
- The epileptic demoniac.
- Second prophecy of the Passion.
- Who is the greatest?.
- On using the name of Jesus.
- Generosity shown to Christ’s disciples.
- On leading others astray.
- The question about divorce.
Chapter 10.
- Jesus and the children.
- The lure of wealth.
- The reward of renunciation.
- Third prophecy of the Passion.
- The sons of Zebedee make their request.
- Leadership with service.
- The blind man of Jericho.
Chapter 11.
- The Messiah enters Jerusalem.
- The fruitless fig tree.
- The expulsion of the dealers from the Temple.
- The fig tree withered. Faith and prayer.
- The authority of Jesus is questioned.
Chapter 12.
- Parable of the wicked tenants.
- On tribute to Caesar.
- The resurrection of the dead.
- The greatest commandment of all.
- Jesus not only son but also Lord of David.
- The scribes condemned by Jesus.
- The widow’s gift.
Chapter 13.
- Prediction of the destruction of the Temple.
- The beginning of sorrows.
- The great tribulation of Jerusalem.
- The coming of the Son of man.
- The time of this coming.
- Conclusion.
Chapter 14.
- The conspiracy against Jesus.
- The anointing at Bethany.
- Judas betrays Jesus.
- Preparations for the Passover supper.
- The treachery of the betrayer foretold.
- The institution of the Eucharist.
- Peter’s denial foretold.
- Gethsemane.
- The arrest.
- Jesus before Caiaphas.
- Peter’s denials.
Chapter 15.
- Jesus before Pilate.
- Jesus crowned with thorns.
- The way of the cross.
- The crucifixion.
- Those who were crucified with him also taunted him..
- The women on Calvary.
- The burial.
Chapter 16.
- The empty tomb. The angel’s message.
- The following longer ending is not included in the earliest manuscripts.
- Meetings with the risen Christ.
Thank you for listening to this recording of the Gospel of Mark from the Revised New Jerusalem Bible translation.
Text copyright 2019 by Darton, Longman and Todd Ltd. Translated by Dom Henry Wansbrough OSB. Audio recording by Fr Richard Healey, copyright 2024, by Communio Solutions.
We pray that this recording has enriched your encounter with the living God.