Benedict XVI – Wednesday Audiences

Collected Writings of Pope Benedict (2005 - 2013)

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Topics that are included in this collection:

- Week of Prayer for Christian Unity
- Lent & Easter
- Christmas
- Mary
- Apostolic Journeys
- Psalms and Canticles of Evening Prayer
- Jesus and the Apostles
- The Apostolic Fathers
- The Year of Saint Paul
- Year for Priests
- Great Writers of the Church
- Christian Prayer
- The Year of Faith

Most of the General Audiences, following in the traditions of earlier Popes, are centred around certain themes, including continuing the catechesis on the Psalms and Canticles of Evening Prayer, begun by Pope John Paul II. There are other audiences that fall outside of these themes and are included here. General audiences are usually delivered on a Wednesdays.

© Vatican City: Libreria Editrice Vaticana 2013

Last modified: 30 November 2020

Newly revised and updated to provide more consistent headings and to make it easier to find specific topics.