Roman eMissal
Electronic texts of the third edition of the Roman Missal
How to use this electronic Roman Missal
(Roman eMissal)
Please note, approval to use the Roman eMissal within the Sacred Liturgy has not yet been received.
The key to navigating this Roman eMissal is to use the Table of Contents to find the correct Mass to celebrate by going to the appropriate Proper – the Proper of Time or the Proper of Saints. You may also wish to celebrate a Ritual Mass, a Votive Mass, a Mass for Various Needs and Intentions, or a Mass for the Dead.
Once you know which Mass to celebrate after consulting your local Ordo, simply navigate to that Mass using the Table of Contents. Once you have decided upon the proper Mass, all of the appropriate links will be provided there to the Ordinary of the Mass and / or to the Common of the Saint of the day. An appropriate Preface is always linked to from the Proper or Common, and there are links to the suitable Eucharistic Prayer from that page. Just as in the bound Missal you need to mark the appropriate page with a ribbon, using the ‘Bookmark’ feature provided by your eBook device is invaluable. Unlike in the bound Missal, only a single Bookmark is needed for each Mass.

Webpage Missal (Australia and Great Britain)
Webpage Missal (United States of America)
To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the adoption of the third edition of the English translation of the Roman Missal, the full texts of the Missal are now available on this website in HTML – a hyperlinked webpage.
The existing ebook versions of the Missal are still available at
Using and navigating the Roman eMissal
The exact way that the pages of the Roman eMissal will display and the navigation options that you will have will depend on the device that you are using this Roman eMissal on. Ideally you would use a touch-screen device, since that makes navigation much easier. The major sections of the Roman eMissal have been defined as chapters, so you can use the advance to the next or previous chapter function to quickly move through the work; in addition, at each chapter there is a table of contents for that section.
The best way to experience the Roman eMissal is using a tablet device, such as an Android (eg Amazon Fire) or Apple iPad. On the iPad,
perhaps the best ebook reader is the free Apple Books app. As you navigate through the Roman eMissal, you will notice the slider at the bottom of the page provides options to quickly navigate to any section, or to go back to the previous section. The “Back to page XXX” feature is key to navigating through the text. If you have begun from a Saint, you may have used the ‘Introductory Rites’ or ‘Penitential Act’ link. If so, touch on the “Back to page XXX” area on the bottom left of the page to return to the Saint’s page for the Collect. After the Prayer over the Offerings, touch on the link to the Preface, and after the Preface, touch on a link to one of the Eucharistic Prayers. After the Prayer, then touch on the link to the Communion Rite. After Communion, when you want to pray the ‘Prayer after Communion’, you will need to touch the “Back to page XXX” area two or more times to return you to the appropriate page. Of course, it may be easier to navigate back to the starting page using the ‘Bookmark’ that you set earlier.
The English translation of The Roman Missal © 2010, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation. All rights reserved.
ePub & Kindle edition | Version 3/26 Oct 2021
Includes change to Collects from “one God…” to “God…”
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