The pastoral conversion of the Parish community

in the service of the evangelising mission of the Church

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The pastoral conversion of the Parish community
in the service of the evangelising mission of the Church
Congregation for the Clergy
20 July 2020

Last modified: 30 January 2025

The ecclesiological reflection of the Second Vatican Council, together with the considerable social and cultural changes of recent decades, has resulted in various Particular Churches having to reorganise the manner in which the pastoral care of Parish communities are assigned. This has made it possible to initiate new experiences, enhancing the dimension of communion and implementing, under the guidance of pastors, a harmonious synthesis of charisms and vocations at the service of the proclamation of the Gospel, which better corresponds to the demands of evangelisation today.

Pope Francis, at the beginning of his Petrine ministry, recalled the importance of “creativity”, meaning thereby “seeking new ways”, that is “seeking how best to proclaim the Gospel”; in respect of this, the Holy Father concluded by saying, “the Church, and also the Code of Canon Law, gives us innumerable possibilities, much freedom to seek these things”.

The situations outlined in the following Instruction, represent a valuable opportunity for pastoral conversion that is essentially missionary. Parish communities will find herein a call to go out of themselves, offering instruments for reform, even structural, in a spirit of communion and collaboration, of encounter and closeness, of mercy and solicitude for the proclamation of the Gospel.


- Introduction
- Pastoral Conversion
- The Parish in a contemporary context
- The value of the Parish today.
- Mission: the guiding principle for renewal
- “A community of communities”: A Parish that is inclusive, evangelising and attentive to the poor.
- From the conversion of people to that of structures.
- The Parish and other subdivisions within the Diocese.
>> How to proceed with the establishment of Parish groupings.
>> Vicariate Forane
>> Pastoral Units
>> Pastoral Regions
- Ordinary and extraordinary ways  of assigning the pastoral care of the Parish community.
>> Parish Priest
>> Parish Administrator
>> Priests in solidum
>> Parochial Vicar
>> Deacons
>> Consecrated men and women
>> The Laity
>> Other forms of assigning pastoral care
- Appointments and Pastoral Ministry
- Bodies of Ecclesial Co-responsibility
>> The Parish Finance Council
>> The Parish Pastoral Council
>> Other forms of co-responsibility in pastoral care
- Offerings for the Celebration of the Sacraments
- Conclusion

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