Starring: Tim Roth, Cillian Murphy, Eloise Laurence and Lily James
Distributor: Independent
Runtime: 91 mins. Reviewed in May 2013
A very sad film, with some touches of hope at the end. All of the characters are broken in one way or other.
This is a British film, a north London film, generally confined to a street with a closed circle at the end of it, confined to three adjacent houses. In 90 minutes, we clome to understand several of the characters even when it is hard to offer them sympathy. However, we are invited to look at them through the eyes of an eleven year old girl, her nickname Skunk, as well as look at Skunk herself. She is played with skill and verve by Eloise Laurence, her first film.
Initially we see Skunk chatting with Rick (Robert Emms), a young man just over the way. He is cleaning the car and, listening to him, we realise he is a slow-learner. Suddenly the man next door comes out and bases Rick. We learn he is Mr Oswald (Rory Kinnear), widowed with three daughters. Skunk is taken aback, even more so when the police arrive and it is Rick they are taking in.
The situation is soon explained and we begin to learn about each household.
Rick had an accident, almost drowning, when he was five. He is cared for by his loving parents.
One of Oswald’s daughters (who become increasingly obnoxious as the film progresses) is found with a condom and says she had sex with Rick to save herself from her father’s anger. Once again, we see him go and and bash Rick, calling him a pervert, which is why he was arrested.
Meanwhile, Skunk lives at home with her father, solicitor Archie (Tim Roth) who tries to intervene and make peace but is himself threatened by Oswald. Archie’s wife has left him and he has a woman in, Kasia (Zana Marjanovic) to look after Skunk and her brother, Jed (Bill Milner). Kasia has a long time boyfriend, Mike (Cillian Murphy) who is at home there.
Ordinary enough, but enough for many problems. Skunk is preparing for high school (and Jed is trying to frighten her about how hard it is). She does fall foul of the smallest of the Oswalds who runs a protection racket in the school, with a crass mouth but a determination that is a combination of a young Margaret Thatcher and the criminal Krays. She and her sister also beat up Skunk and Mike intervenes.
Rick stays in his room, his mother trying to persuade him to come out by reminiscing about how his father saved him and how they love him. He goes to an institution, later comes home for a weekend which is tragic.
When one of the Oswald girls has a miscarriage at a party at home, Oswald assumes the worst, bashes Mike. Archie is solicitor for the detective’s questioning.
And that is not all, quite a few more plot complications, but it gives an indication of what can happen in any suburban street. We all know people who may live in one or other of these houses. But, this is a brief, effective slice of life which raises the question of who is to blame for what happens, who is responsible – or whether small things, quick lies, temper, betrayals, misunderstandings can lead to more tragic consequences.
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