Starring: Audrey Lamy, François Cluzet, Chantal Neuwirth, Yannick Kalombo, Amadou Bah, Mamadou Koita, Alpha Barry, Stephane Brel, Chloe Astor
Distributor: Madman Films
Runtime: 97 mins. Reviewed in Jun 2022
Reviewer: Fr Peter Malone msc
With financial difficulties, sous chef Cathy Marie accepts a job at a shelter for young migrants. At first she hates the job then her passion for cuisine starts to change children’s lives.
It’s just as well the English title for this French comedy drama includes the word ‘Kitchen’. The French have simply called it La Brigade – which means that some audiences might have thought it was a military film rather than a focus on chefs and their creative skills.
Which also means this is a film will attract the audience that enjoys television cooking programs. In fact, that’s the way this film starts, lavish setups for filming a program but with one of the chefs, Cathy Marie (Lamy) clashing with the star, insisting on using her recipes rather than what the script demands. And, so, out – standing on the highway, making phone calls, looking for a new job.
When she does go for her new job, she finds that the organisation has over-hyped their advertisement and requirements. This is an organisation, a hostel for young male migrants who as yet have no ID for France. The young men, from a variety of countries, from Africa and from the Middle East, are to be enrolled in schools to get some qualification and their papers. Some are learning French.
This is not what Cathy Marie was expecting, especially when she sees the actual kitchen and the range of tins in the cupboards. But, Sabine (Neuwirth), the matron of the house is friendly and always encouraging. We all know where this is going in the sense that Cathy Marie is going to mellow but the interesting focus is how and why.
We meet a number of the young men, especially one called GusGus (Kalombo), short, keen, exuberant and supportive of Cathy Marie. As might be guessed, there is a range in the young men, some with their headphones perpetually on and uncommunicative, another, with great soccer potential, refusing to take orders from a woman, but others who are genial. Which means many of them will find their place in the kitchen, initially being tested about how to peel and slice a shallot, then cooking techniques, learning to wait tables, everybody delighted with these skills – and the appetising results.
This film is sympathetic to migrants, not treating them as statistics (although there is a harrowing scene where the boys’ bones are X-rayed for DNA to check whether they are telling the truth about their age and are not over 18, which some are). Rather, this is a humanitarian approach, respecting people, young and old, looking for opportunities to help rather than deportation.
This is the kind of film that those involved in migration departments might look at and reflect. The finale is somewhat eye-opening, a cooking competition, television audience – and vindication of Cathy Marie and her students.
Not a film great, but enjoyable one with message and a heart.
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