Old Dogs

Director: Walt Becker
Starring: John Travolta, Robin Williams and Kelly Preston
Distributor: Walt Disney Pictures
Runtime: 88 mins. Reviewed in Nov 2011
| JustWatch |
Rating notes:

A checklist of dispositions needed for enjoying Old Dogs:
  • A very high tolerance level in general. A very high level for corny comedy,
  • A fan’s attitude to Robin Williams, no matter what he is in (actually, here he has to be both zany and sympathetic),
  • A fan’s attitude to John Travolta who has to be both comic and insensitive, then sensitive,
  • A liking for heart-on-sleeve tales of children of single mothers who need a father-figure,
  • Films that show how big business is soul-destroying and undermines family, love and quality time,
  • Laughing at slapstick and pratfalls, where humans have to be silly or silly for the sake of the children,
  • Laughing at Seth Green having to sing to survive while being cuddled by a gorilla (spoiler: it’s an animatronic gorilla),
  • Laughing at golf balls and accidents with golf and balls, especially with Seth Green,
  • Seeing Matt Dillon as a taskmaster scoutmaster,
  • Attending a funeral for a pet dog,
  • Enjoying Walt Becker’s other films, Van Wilder, Buying the Cow, Wild Hogs. (The sequel plans have been scrapped).
  • Hoping for compensation with the couple of sequences featuring Ann-Margret.

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