Starring: Voices of Dwayne Johnson, Jessica Biel, Gary Oldman and John Cleese
Distributor: Independent
Runtime: 90 mins. Reviewed in Nov 2011
The film is highly derivative of “E.T.” and many animated space movies, and especially “Wall-E”. Planet 51 is mistakenly being perceived by its own inhabitants as ripe for alien invasion, and the movie begins with the idea that such an invasion has happened, but loses pace as its core gimmick begins to weaken. It aims for a distinctive visual style, and largely succeeds in that respect, but misses out in the development of a story-line that holds attention. The style of the film, which is strictly cartoonish in character, will appeal to children, but poor scripting will leave many adults disappointed. The appeal to the 1950s, which taps adult-nostalgia in ways that children can’t readily share, is geared to keep adults engaged, and there is an attempt to fill the gaps with comic appeal.
The film has some sexualised humour in it. The behaviour shown is not age-appropriate, but it is unlikely to engage child-viewers, who will be captured more by the neat reversal of fortunes for an “invading” astronaut from Earth. On Planet 51, there is a community of fantasy figures who have similar anxieties to real people on Earth about intrusion, threat and attack, but the moral persuasion of that lesson is soon lost in the story’s many side-plots. The film ends with Chuck proving he is a man who can do (in his own words) “the right stuff”, and everyone finally becomes the best of friends.
The film is not of the same quality as other animated movies around this Christmas-New Year period, but it will be entertaining to children. Children clapped in the session this reviewer went to. Adults will be intrigued initially with the inventiveness of the film’s core idea, but the main appeal for them will be to take their children to it.
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