
Director: Prentice Penny
Starring: Mamadou Athie, Courtney B.Vance, Sashun Compere, Lathun Pollard
Distributor: Netflix
Runtime: 104 mins. Reviewed in May 2020
| JustWatch |
Rating notes: Coarse language, sex scenes

While this family drama is set in the African-American community in Memphis, Tennessee, the basic plot is applicable to many families in many cultures.

The focus is on a young man, Elijah (Mamadou Athie), in his 20s, destined to work in his father’s restaurant, his father having inherited the business from his father. It is the family business.

However, Elijah’s vision goes beyond working in the family business, he has a special skill with wines, expertise in tasting, identifying… He takes the opportunity to develop his skills, attend courses, and a new world opening up for him. And, as we might expect, his stern father (Courtney B.Vance) is not in favour. Deep down, he does understand, but in practice he does not. On the other hand, he is supported by his loving mother (who has problems of her own, diagnosed with terminal cancer).

Elijah tries to combine living in both worlds. He works hard in the restaurants. This is made all the harder by the stern attitude of his father. He enrols in studies, makes a number of friends, wants to qualify as a professional. In fact, this includes the student group going to Paris for further education, the family chipping in for money to pay his fare.

But, fate and fatality intervene, especially with the illness of his mother. Elijah experiences some depression, the feeling that he is not destined to fulfil his ambitions, resigned to working for his father.

There is a happy ending but not in the way that we might have been expecting or hoped for. Elijah does have some communication with his father, even gaining some support. But, as the film ends, he has not reached his goal – but, he hopes, and we hope, that he is well on the way.

Peter Malone MSC is an Associate of the Australian Catholic Office for Film and Broadcasting.

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