03A – 22 Jan 2023
Calling Disciples
Message by: Fr Richard M Healey
Liturgy of the Word
03A – Ordinary Sunday 3

MP3 media (Vigil)
MP3 media (7:30am Mass)
MP3 media (10:30am Mass)
I asked ChatGPT this prompt: Write a short sermon on Mt 4:12-23 with a focus on the call of the four brothers as a model of discipleship.
This is the response:
In Matthew 4:12-23, we see the story of Jesus calling four brothers, Simon, also known as Peter, Andrew, James, and John, to be his disciples. This passage serves as a powerful example of what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.
First, we see that the call of the four brothers is sudden and unexpected. They were going about their daily lives, working as fishermen, when Jesus called out to them. This serves as a reminder that God’s call can come at any time and in unexpected ways. We must always be ready to respond to God’s call in our lives.
Next, we see that the four brothers respond to Jesus’ call without hesitation. They immediately leave their nets and follow Jesus. This shows us that true discipleship requires a willingness to let go of our own plans and ambitions in order to follow Jesus.
We also see that the four brothers were willing to give up everything for Jesus. They were willing to leave their families, their livelihoods, and their homes to follow him. This serves as a reminder that true discipleship requires sacrifice and a willingness to put Jesus first in our lives.
Finally, we see that the four brothers became great leaders in the early church. They were among the twelve apostles and played important roles in spreading the message of Jesus throughout the world. This serves as a reminder that those who respond to Jesus’ call and follow him wholeheartedly will be used by God to make a difference in the world.
In conclusion, the call of the four brothers serves as a powerful model of discipleship. It teaches us that God’s call can come at any time and in unexpected ways, that true discipleship requires a willingness to let go of our own plans and ambitions in order to follow Jesus, that true discipleship requires sacrifice, and that those who respond to Jesus’ call and follow him wholeheartedly will be used by God to make a difference in the world. Let us all be ready to respond to God’s call in our lives and follow Jesus wholeheartedly as disciples.
Note, this is not what I preached – but it is not bad, all the same!
Maybe my job will one day be taken over by AI-powered robots, like everybody else’s!