L1A – 5 Mar 2017
The Revolution 1 - Why did Jesus die?
Message by: Fr Richard M Healey
Liturgy of the Word
L1A – Lent Sunday 1

MP3 Audio file (8am Mass)
As we enter into this new season of Lent, the Church offers us very evocative readings to guide our journey. But it seems that there is an even more fundamental truth that lies at the heart of the Christian faith – which is the question of “Why did Jesus die on the cross?” Although the early church tackled many fundamental questions in the first few centuries, such as the nature of the person of Jesus, grace and salvation, as well as looking at questions about Mary and the Holy Trinity, the question as to why Jesus died on the cross, and exactly how this was done “in accordance with the scriptures” as St Paul asserts in 1 Corinthians 15, and which Jesus himself tells the two disciples that join him on the road to Emmaus in Luke 24 – the church did not really begin to address this question until it was in the midst of the Protestant reformation. This has also led to strange results which continue to haunt the church today. This series will attempt to look more closely at the scriptures as well as what Jesus himself says about the cross in order to find the ongoing significance and place of the cross for our own lives, and why the church continues to say that by early evening on the first Good Friday, a revolution had begun.
Recorded at Saint Paul’s, 8am (16 mins)
Sunday 1, Lent, Year A.
- Reflection Video: Lent – a season of reflection and return
- Introduction Video: Lent – a prayer
- Communion Song: Return to God (Haugen)
- Read the book that inspired the series: Bishop Tom Wright, The Day the Revolution Began (or Hardback at BookDepository)