
Silent Wilderness

8 March 2025


 Embracing Lent: A Journey of Worship, Surrender, and Transformation Greetings, dear friends in Christ. As we embark on the sacred journey of Lent, I invite you to join me in a time of deep reflection and spiritual renewal. Lent is a season that calls us to step away from the distractions of daily life and…

Sacrificing the Lamb

25 February 2024


Unpacking the Profound Lessons of Abraham and Isaac: A Journey Through Faith and Obedience As someone deeply invested in the exploration of Christian theology, I’ve always been drawn to the stories that challenge us, that compel us to look deeper into our faith and the nature of our relationship with God. I take a deep…

Waiting in hope

31 December 2023


Embracing the Journey: Reflections on the Feast of the Holy Family I recently had the chance to delve into a topic that resonates deeply with many of us: the essence of family and the power of faith. Fr Richard Healey offers a profound sermon on the Feast of the Holy Family, a celebration that holds…

Trusting and Believing

20 March 2023


19 March (20 March 2023) St Joseph, Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary 02:53 Reading 1 – 2 Samuel 7:4-5.12-14.16 03:58 Psalm: The son of David will live for ever. 05:09 Reading 2 – Romans 4:13.16-18.22 07:35 Gospel – Matthew 1:16.18-21.24 08:53-11:49 Homily – Trusting and believing Play MP3 Watch Video

Guided by a cloud

5 March 2023

Lent, Seasons

To have a sense of where you’re going is something that is so crucial. We all now take it for granted with our phones offering us GPS and our cars giving us guidance and direction along the way. But it’s still within our living memory of what it was like to try and find your…

Temptation Training

26 February 2023

Lent, Seasons

Lent Sunday 1, Year A Remember the last big meal. How did you feel after? Food coma. Not clear thinking. Sleepy. Suggestible. Jesus goes into the wilderness. 40 days and nights. He fasts, so he’s not in a food coma. Open to God. 40 – highly symbolic. Israel in the wilderness 3 testings – very…

Behold the Lamb of God

15 January 2023

Season of Growth, Year A

As we move into this ordinary time of the year and this cycle of readings from what should be the Gospel of Matthew in Year A. We now have a reading from the Gospel of John – because we need to hear this witness of John the Baptist and John the evangelist presents him in…

Pray with bold intimacy

24 July 2022

Season of Growth, Year C

Lord, teach us to pray! What a great request. I doubt if any person who is trying to faithfully follow God thinks that they are praying too much, or too well. We all desire to grow in our prayer. To spend our time in God’s presence in a way that is more fruitful and more…

Abraham and the bound sacrifice of Isaac

1 March 2015

Lent, Seasons

Our first reading from Genesis 22 is often regarded as one of the finest examples of a short story in all or Western literature. In 19 short verses, the reader is taken on a terrible and shocking journey along with Abraham and Isaac – your only son, the son that you love – for three…

The doubt and faith of Abraham

28 December 2014

Christmas, Seasons

As we reflect on the place of family this Sunday, the liturgy offers us the example of four very different yet faithful people in the Gospel of Luke in Mary, Joseph, Simeon and Anna. The other readings provide us with the foundational example of faith in Abram and Sarai – who were called to leave…

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