
Slave Freedom

19 October 2024

Year B

Reflection on the Gospel of Mark: The Journey Towards the Cross Greetings, dear friends in Christ. As we gather on this 29th Sunday of year B, we find ourselves reflecting on the profound themes of Jesus’ ministry as presented in the Gospel of Mark. This week, we delve into the journey towards Jerusalem, the predictions…

Sacrificing the Lamb

25 February 2024


Unpacking the Profound Lessons of Abraham and Isaac: A Journey Through Faith and Obedience As someone deeply invested in the exploration of Christian theology, I’ve always been drawn to the stories that challenge us, that compel us to look deeper into our faith and the nature of our relationship with God. I take a deep…

Empty Mirror

3 September 2023

Year A

Fr Richard delivers a thought-provoking homily centered around the nature of a mirror and its ability to reverse our way of thinking. Drawing parallels to the ongoing experience of COVID-19 in NSW, the speaker reflects on past lockdowns and the new skills people had to acquire, such as cutting their own hair. Moving on to…


6 August 2023

Solemnity, Year A

Sometimes we have an experience that was so sublime, so magical, so amazing – that we struggle to even share all its details with a close friend. Even when it is photographed, and videoed, and instagrammed to within a millimetre of its life, some things can defy simple, adequate descriptions. Maybe the event wasn’t even…

Invitation to Paradise

20 November 2022

Season of Growth, Solemnity, Year C

The Solemnity of Jesus the Christ, the King of the Universe First Reading ‡ 2 Samuel 5:1-3 They anointed David king of Israel. Responsorial ‡ Psalm 121:1-5 Let us go rejoicing to the house of the Lord. Second Reading ‡ Colossians 1:12-20 He has taken us into the kingdom of his beloved Son. Gospel ‡…

Dealing with dysfunction

20 October 2019

Season of Growth, Year C

Although St Paul tells his young disciple Timothy that “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, refuting error, guiding people’s lives and teaching them to be holy” (2 Tim 3:16) it is hard to see how that can be applied to our first reading today, taken from Exodus 17:8-13. Like so…

The Gospel of Good Friday

15 April 2017

Easter, Seasons, Triduum

Although we read the Passion story last Sunday during the Mass of Palm Sunday, that Gospel is always taken from one of the three Synoptic Gospel accounts, depending on the liturgical year. But on Good Friday, there can only be one Gospel that will be our guide and companion – the Gospel that shapes the…

Prayer Reflection on the Cross

25 March 2016

Easter, Seasons, Triduum

A short prayer on the cross offered at the conclusion of the Stations of the Cross. Play MP3 Recorded at St Paul’s, 10am service (1:47)Good Friday, Stations of the Cross

Exclusion and Embrace on the Cross

25 March 2016

Easter, Seasons

To gather each Good Friday for prayer around an instrument of Roman torture is still a very strange practice to have. To sing songs and come forward in procession to touch, embrace or kneel before this sign of brutality and terrorism… It can also be a very difficult exercise to reconcile the fragility and weakness…

Dealing with dysfunction

20 October 2013

Season of Growth, Year C

Although St Paul tells his young disciple Timothy that “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, refuting error, guiding people’s lives and teaching them to be holy” (2 Tim 3:16) it is hard to see how that can be applied to our first reading today, taken from Exodus 17:8-13. Like so…

Stations of the Cross Reflection

6 April 2012

Lent, Seasons

  A brief reflection offered at the end of the Stations of the Cross, celebrated at St Paul’s, Camden on Good Friday morning. Play MP3 Length: 2’15” A full recording of the service (slightly edited to reduce some of the silences and not including the final multimedia) Play Full Service mp3 Length: 40’05”

The empty God

24 September 2011

Season of Growth, Year A

To make sense of the gospel today, you need to see what has been happening earlier in chapter 25 of Matthew’s gospel. At the beginning of the chapter Jesus and his disciples have made their triumphant entry into Jerusalem on the day that we now call Palm Sunday. He then proceeded to cleanse the temple,…

Changed by cross and glory

19 March 2011

Lent, New Creation, Season of Growth, Seasons, Teaching, Year A

On the second Sunday in Lent each year we join Peter, James and John to witness that incredible moment when Jesus is changed (in the Greek, metamorphoo, which you can probably discern from the word is an aorist indicative passive third person singular verb, which is a form of ‘metamorphosis’ meaning ‘to remodel’ or ‘to…

A king on a cross

20 November 2010

Season of Growth, Year C

Christ the King – the final Sunday in the Season of the Year. This feast, and the image of king, undoubtably invokes many images. This week it was announced that Prince William and Kate Middleton were finally engaged which caused many hearts to race in anticipation of a royal wedding in the middle of 2011….

Stones and the Cross – Good Friday

1 April 2010

Lent, Seasons

On Good Friday we reflect on the amazing love that was shown by Jesus. Last night we remembered the nature of our call to be a Eucharistic people and to respond to the call of our baptism through lives of service. Today we continue that reflection by remembering our call to be ministers and priests….

Trusting in the Lord alone

13 February 2010

Season of Growth, Year C

6th Sunday in the Season of the Year (C) – Jer 17:5-8; ICor 15; Luke 6:17-26. St Valentine’s Day. The question that lies at the heart of our readings today is – where do you place your ultimate trust / faith / hope? Jeremiah rather starkly tells us that if it is in the world…

Ambition and the Cross

17 October 2009

Season of Growth, Year B

Our gospel today (Mk 10:35-45) comes immediately after Jesus’ third prediction of his passion and death: “See, we are going up to Jerusalem, and the Son of Man will be handed over to the chief priests and the scribes, and they will condemn him to death; then they will hand him over to the Gentiles;…

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