
Silent Wilderness

8 March 2025


 Embracing Lent: A Journey of Worship, Surrender, and Transformation Greetings, dear friends in Christ. As we embark on the sacred journey of Lent, I invite you to join me in a time of deep reflection and spiritual renewal. Lent is a season that calls us to step away from the distractions of daily life and…


10 November 2024

Year B

Embracing Generosity: Lessons from Elijah and the Widow of Sidon Reflecting on the profound themes of generosity, abundance, and the teachings of Jesus. These reflections were inspired by a personal experience and the timeless story of Elijah and the widow of Sidon. Today, I want to share these insights with you, offering a detailed guide…

Embracing True Freedom

13 October 2024

Year B

I delve into a profound biblical encounter that speaks volumes about our spiritual journey and the quest for true freedom. The story of the young man who approaches Jesus, eager to inherit eternal life, is a powerful narrative that resonates with many of us, especially those who are young and zealous in their faith. This…

Grumbling Generosity

24 September 2023

Year A

“God is generous and God will pour himself out as much as we are able to receive. And our lives are about growing in that capacity to be able to be used and to receive the goodness of God.” Fr Richard Healey So many of us have a whole mix of memories from our childhood,…

Arise, go and live

11 November 2012

Season of Growth, Year B

Both the first reading and Gospel feature widows – one of the most vulnerable groups in Israel and the ancient world. When there is no social safety net, widows relied on other family members and the wider community to provide the sustenance that they could not earn themselves. There lot was even worse when times…

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