Slave Freedom

19 October 2024
Reflection on the Gospel of Mark: The Journey Towards the Cross Greetings, dear friends in Christ. As we gather on this 29th Sunday of year B, we find ourselves reflecting on the profound themes of Jesus’ ministry as presented in the Gospel of Mark. This week, we delve into the journey towards Jerusalem, the predictions…

6 August 2023
Sometimes we have an experience that was so sublime, so magical, so amazing – that we struggle to even share all its details with a close friend. Even when it is photographed, and videoed, and instagrammed to within a millimetre of its life, some things can defy simple, adequate descriptions. Maybe the event wasn’t even…
Changed by cross and glory
19 March 2011
Lent, New Creation, Season of Growth, Seasons, Teaching, Year A
On the second Sunday in Lent each year we join Peter, James and John to witness that incredible moment when Jesus is changed (in the Greek, metamorphoo, which you can probably discern from the word is an aorist indicative passive third person singular verb, which is a form of ‘metamorphosis’ meaning ‘to remodel’ or ‘to…
The Acts of King Jesus
24 May 2009
Ascension of the Lord (Year B). Acts 1:1-11 Many movies that we watch are sequels – the follow up to an earlier story. One of the things we notice at the moment is there are movies that now take us back to the origins to tell us what happened ‘in the beginning’ (Star Wars, Star…
Christmas Day
26 December 2008
Following from the Gospel of Luke (2:1-14) of Midnight Mass, we reflect on what the word ‘glory’ means. It is based on the Greek word ‘doxa’ and the Hebrew word ‘kabod’ – which means weight/significance/substance. We experience a glimpse of the glory of God when we look up at the night sky. Exodus 33 tells…