The Small Stuff Matters

16 June 2024
Embracing Growth and Grace Establishing Solid Foundations One of the key points I discussed was the importance of establishing solid foundations before delving into any subject matter. This principle is not only crucial in our spiritual lives but also in our everyday learning processes. The Frustration of Learning Something New We all know the frustration…
Advent Hope

2 December 2023
Embracing the Season of Advent: A Journey of Hope, Sin, and Transformation Understanding the Significance of Advent As a priest and a religious leader, I often find myself answering questions about the season of Advent. Many people are confused about its significance, often drawing parallels with Lent and the traditions associated with it. However, Advent…
Growth in a season of growth
13 June 2015
Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year B
After fifteen weeks of journeying through the seasons of Lent and Easter, we return today to what is often prosaically called “Ordinary Time” but which I prefer to call the Season of Growth or the Season of Discipleship. In the Gospel today from Mark we are reminded of this when Jesus tells two of his…
The Abundant Word
13 July 2014
Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching
Isaiah chapter 55 begins in a very awesome and utopian way – “Come all who are thirsty, come to the water; and you that have no money – come, buy and eat! Come, buy wine and milk without money and without price.” This is certainly a beautiful vision and description of the abundance of God’s…
The fruit of creation
2 October 2011
The parable in today’s Gospel from Matthew 21 continues directly from the parable last week (and leads naturally into the final parable of judgement in this trilogy, which we will have next Sunday) and again is addressed to the chief priests and elders gathered in the temple forecourt, while the crowd looks on, on the…
Wheat and weeds in the shining sun
17 July 2011
How many times have we heard something described as an ‘act of God’ or a disaster of biblical proportions, and wondered in our hearts – if God is indeed all-loving and all-powerful – then where is he in these times? Why doesn’t he step in and prevent these disasters? Why do we see such powerful…
Waiting and growing
12 December 2010
Advent, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year A
As we celebrate Gaudete (Rejoice!) Sunday, we remain with the figure of St John the Catholic Baptist – but now, we are not at the very beginning of his prophetic ministry, but almost at the end. He is in prison because of his objections to the marriage of the claimed king of Israel, Herod (who…