Hidden Abundance

19 January 2025
Weddings in the Time of Jesus: A Reflection on the Wedding at Cana Weddings are remarkable events filled with beautiful memories and, often, humorous mishaps. While contemporary weddings are well-documented, reconstructing the details of weddings during the time of Jesus can be challenging due to the limited scriptural references. Historians and academics typically focus on…
Shepherd us

21 April 2024
Embracing the Transformative Power of God’s Love: Reflections for the Easter Season I welcome you to a space where we delve into the profound messages of our faith, especially as we find ourselves in the heart of the Easter season. Today, I wish to share with you not just a sermon, but a journey through…
Blindness Overcome

10 March 2024
The Miracle of Sight: A Journey of Transformation and Faith A Sermon of Reflection and Insight The Beauty That Surrounds Us My recent experience driving through the snowy mountains was nothing short of breathtaking. The sight of the sapphire blue waters of a lake, surrounded by the deep green of the bush, was a moment…
Called and Chosen

12 May 2023
Mass from St John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Campbelltown with Fr Richard Healey Friday in the Fifth Week of Easter (Friday 12 May 2023) First Reading ‡ Acts 15:22-31 It has been decided by the Holy Spirit and ourselves not to burden you beyond what is essential. Responsorial ‡ Psalm 56:8-12 I will praise you…
Why did Jesus die?

8 April 2023
A reflection on the Passion of Jesus in the Gospel of John. Play MP3 When I was a kid, the only thing that I seemed to want to do was to be older and bigger, you know, big enough that I was able to go out the back with my older brothers, with Dad on…
Unbind him

25 March 2023
Lent 5. Year A Lazarus – El’Azar (God is my help) we are told that Jesus loves Lazarus, along with his two sisters, Miryam + Marta. Yet, when he hears that Lazarus is sick, he delays. How odd! What is going on? Have you felt like God is delaying in answer to your prayers? WTF?…
Will you believe?

19 March 2023
Fourth Sunday in Lent, Year A First Reading ‡ 1 Samuel 16:1,6-7,10-13 In the presence of the Lord God, they anointed David king of Israel. Responsorial ‡ Psalm 22(23) The Lord is my shepherd; there is nothing I shall want. Second Reading ‡ Ephesians 5:8-14 Rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you….

12 March 2023
First Reading ‡ Exodus 17:3-7Give us water to drink. Responsorial ‡ Psalm 94:1-2,6-9If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Second Reading ‡ Romans 5:1-2,5-8The love of God has been poured into our hearts by the Holy Spirit which has been given us. Gospel [longer form] ‡ John 4:5-42The water that I shall…
Behold the Lamb of God

15 January 2023
As we move into this ordinary time of the year and this cycle of readings from what should be the Gospel of Matthew in Year A. We now have a reading from the Gospel of John – because we need to hear this witness of John the Baptist and John the evangelist presents him in…
Advent Questions

10 December 2022
Third Sunday in Advent, Year A. John began his ministry as we saw last week with a very clear idea about where he sat, where he fitted within the broad spectrum of Jewish life and indeed of what we call salvation history. His sense that like Elijah that he clearly knew the kind of model…
The world through eyes of love
14 March 2021
Lent, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year B
In our English Bibles we follow the order of the old Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible. Divided into 4 sections – Pentateuch, History, Wisdom and Prophets. But the Hebrew Bible itself places the various books of the Biblical library together in a different way, using just 3 main sections: Torah, Nevi’ im and Ketuvim…
Mercy and Mission
10 April 2016
Easter, Radio Program, Seasons, Teaching
The gospel that we have today is taken from the twenty-first chapter of the Gospel of John. It is another resurrection appearance, but this time, it is not in Jerusalem, but up in the Sea of Galilee. Seven of the disciples, led by the apostle Peter, decide to go fishing. While seven are described, only…
My Lord and My God
3 April 2016
Although each of the Gospels is carefully crafted, the Gospel of John provides an extra layer of rich reflection which reveal the degree to which the beloved disciple as author has pondered deeply his own experience of the life and sayings of Jesus in the light of the experience of the early church and the…
Moving Mercy – part 5 – rocks and release
13 March 2016
Lent, Seasons, Series, Teaching
We conclude this series today with the beautiful gospel of “the woman caught in the very act of committing adultery” from John 8. The Gospel is intriguing on so many levels not least because of the manuscript uncertainty concerning its placement in this location in John’s gospel – many early manuscripts do not include it…
The law of four – part 4 (The Infancy Narratives)
20 December 2015
Advent, Seasons, Series, Teaching
As we have wandered through the stories behind the stories of the gospels and their composition and connection to the church, life and our own histories, it seemed appropriate to think about how the stories that are told about the birth of Jesus would fit within this new understanding. So considering the writings of the…
The law of four – part 3
13 December 2015
Advent, Seasons, Series, Teaching
We saw in the first week of this series that one of the places that we see the law of four is in every great story ever told as well as in the story of our own lives – the pattern of (1) Hearing the summons; (2) Enduring the obstacles; (3) Receiving the prize/favour and finally (4) Returning…
Submission to the Messiah
23 August 2015
Radio Program, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year B
The Gospel this Sunday concludes our readings from John 6 where Jesus now addresses himself only to his disciples, rather than to the whole crowd. We hear that many of his disciples draw back and grumble and complain about the teaching of Jesus. Not because they could not understand what he is saying, but because…
Called and chosen to love
10 May 2015
We often struggle with some very basic questions – like who are we? When we meet people for the first time, conversations invariably begin with a process of classification – so, what do you do? Where do you live? The Gospel today takes us to a much deeper place in our relationship with God. It…
Connected to Life
3 May 2015
Today we hear the final of the seven “I am” declarations that punctuate the Gospel of John – “I am the true vine.” This declaration is also unusual because it is the first time one that is explicitly relational: I am the vine; you are the branches. We should be in no doubt after hearing this declaration…
Believing not unbelieving
12 April 2015
Have you ever been asked to do something that was so totally beyond you that couldn’t even believe you would be capable of doing the task? That is exactly how we should feel after hearing the gospel today. When Jesus speaks to the disciples gathered in the upper room, it is only right to feel…
God proposes a new covenant
22 March 2015
“Then, I will be your God. You will be my people.” This line from the declaration in Jeremiah today is so easily passed over – and yet this covenant declaration lies at the heart of the Hebrew scriptures. Our Lenten journey has been examining the idea of covenant – its achievements and its failures -…
John the witness as humble evangelist
17 January 2015
In the Gospel of John, like in the other gospels as well, the figure of John the Baptizer is deeply significant. But here in this gospel, the story and witness of John is interwoven into the magnificent 18 verse prologue. The first section of the gospel then moves onto the testimony that John offered about…
Encountering the Living God
22 June 2014
When you think about God and how God offers a relationship with him, it seems to me that the word encounter is one of the more helpful ways of describing this relationship. Yet, when you look up the word encounter, you discover that it comes into the English language via the Old French word encontre,…
Lazarus / El’Azar – Unbound and unsmelly
5 April 2014
Death is something of a problem! The Gospel today, taken from John chapter 11, tackles the very real question of the significance of death full on. Jesus is good friends with this family of Lazarus and his two sisters, Mary and Martha. So naturally, when Lazarus is sick, the sisters send Jesus a message to…
Thirsting for relationship and meaning
23 March 2014
Thirst is one of those basic human needs that is hard to ignore. When you have worked hard on a hot day, or you have returned from a vigorous run or work-out, or you simply out in the heat of the desert, the need to drink and quench your thirst is usually significant. So, even…