Freedom Parable
18 September 2022
Sunday 25, Year C First Reading ‡ Amos 8:4-7 The Lord God spoke against those who buy the poor for money. Responsorial ‡ Psalm 112:1-2.4-8 Praise the Lord who lifts up the poor. Second Reading ‡ 1 Timothy 2:1-8 Let prayers be offered to God for everyone; he wants all people to be saved. Gospel…
The Rich Fool Judged
31 July 2022
Sunday 18 in Year C First Reading ‡ Ecclesiastes 1:2; 2:21-23What do people gain by all their work? Responsorial ‡ Psalm 89:3-6.12-14.17In every age, O Lord, you have been our refuge. Second Reading ‡ Colossians 3:1-5.9-11Seek the things that are above where Christ is. Gospel ‡ Luke 12:13-21To whom will all this wealth of yours…
Generous giving and freedom
14 October 2018
The Gospel today should probably carry a warning message before it is read. So many saints across the centuries have been cut to the heart when they have heard this proclaimed, and realise that Jesus is looking at us, no gazing with love at them and you and me. He is going to redefine the…
Generous giving and freedom
12 October 2015
The Gospel today should probably carry a warning message before it is read. So many saints across the centuries have been cut to the heart when they have heard this proclaimed, and realise that Jesus is looking at us, no gazing with love at them and you and me. He is going to redefine the…
Render unto God
19 October 2014
In trying to understand the bible, for me, one of the most important questions to ask about any particular passage is – what is the context? Where does this passage fit within (for example) the ministry of Jesus and in this case – the Gospel of Matthew. Once we do this, it should become quickly…
Images and coin inscriptions
17 October 2011
The heat continues to rise between Jesus and his persecutors. Now the Herodians, who normally would not associate with the Pharisees, join forces to ask an impossible ‘yes or no’ question of Jesus – either answer would get him into trouble with his supporters or even arrested and killed by the Romans. The answer that…
Worry, money and insurance
26 February 2011
The fact that Jesus repeats a phrase seven times in our Gospel reading today perhaps suggests that there is something he wants us to learn. In a world that values money, security and wealth much more highly than the glories of God’s creation, the words of Jesus invite us to embrace a different way of…
The decision of the dishonest manager
19 September 2010
Sunday 25C – Luke 16:1-13 Across the Gospels, Jesus tells something like 40 parables (a good biblical number); there are 23 in Matthew, 9 in Mark, 28 in Luke but none in John; seven are found in all three of the Synoptic Gospels (Mt, Mk, Lk) and various ones are found in two gospels; some…