Graced Home

7 July 2024
Embracing the Transformative Power of God’s Grace: A Reflection on Home, Vulnerability, and Faith Welcome to this reflection on the concept of home and the transformative power of God’s grace. Today, I want to share with you some personal experiences and biblical insights that have shaped my understanding of home and the profound impact of…
Growing in Wisdom

1 January 2024
The Profound Significance of Mary in Christianity As we step into the new year, it’s a time of reflection and transformation—a time to ponder upon the words that have shaped our faith and the figures that have stood as pillars within our spiritual narratives. Today, I want to share with you insights of the significance…
Having a disciple’s mind

1 October 2023
In this message, Fr Richard Healey reflects on a theatre production they attended and draws parallels between the unity and synchronisation of the production and the desired unity within the church. They discuss the importance of actions aligning with beliefs, referencing the two sons in the gospel. The speaker then references a poem or song…
Freedom for slaves
4 September 2022
Sunday 23 in Year C As a child – I really didn’t think about slavery. Later, after studying a little history, I thought slavery no longer existed – but I was wrong! In fact – although estimates and exact definitions vary – there are more slaves in total now than in any period of human…
Moving Mercy – part 5 – rocks and release
13 March 2016
Lent, Seasons, Series, Teaching
We conclude this series today with the beautiful gospel of “the woman caught in the very act of committing adultery” from John 8. The Gospel is intriguing on so many levels not least because of the manuscript uncertainty concerning its placement in this location in John’s gospel – many early manuscripts do not include it…
The law of four – part 4 (The Infancy Narratives)
20 December 2015
Advent, Seasons, Series, Teaching
As we have wandered through the stories behind the stories of the gospels and their composition and connection to the church, life and our own histories, it seemed appropriate to think about how the stories that are told about the birth of Jesus would fit within this new understanding. So considering the writings of the…
Conversion of St Paul
25 January 2009
During the year of St Paul, we celebrate today the great feast of the conversion of Saul, scrupulous Pharisee, student of the synagogue of Tarsus in Cilicia and of Rabbi Gamaliel in Jerusalem. All that he knew, all that he had studied with such great fervour had only served to convince him that Jesus was…
Conversion of St Paul
24 January 2009
During the year of St Paul, we celebrate today the great feast of the conversion of Saul, scrupulous Pharisee, student of the synagogue of Tarsus in Cilicia and of Rabbi Gamaliel in Jerusalem. All that he knew, all that he had studied with such great fervour had only served to convince him that Jesus was…