
Encountering Joy and Love

22 December 2024


As we prepare for Christmas, we find ourselves pondering various themes that resonate deeply within us—hope, joy, peace, and the longing for purpose. In this season of Advent, we are invited to reflect on what it means to embody hope and to live in a state of peace, especially in a world that often feels…

Giving God all

22 October 2023

Year A

Surrendering to God’s Will: A Personal Reflection on Giving All to Him The Tax System in First Century Israel and the Background to the Gospel In the first century in Israel, the tax system was a significant aspect of daily life. Taxes were imposed by the Roman Empire, and the collection process was often met…

Having a disciple’s mind

1 October 2023

Year A

In this message, Fr Richard Healey reflects on a theatre production they attended and draws parallels between the unity and synchronisation of the production and the desired unity within the church. They discuss the importance of actions aligning with beliefs, referencing the two sons in the gospel. The speaker then references a poem or song…

Faith in a Great God

2 October 2022

Season of Growth, Year C

Sunday 27 in Year C First Reading ‡ Habakkuk 1:2-3; 2:2-4The just will live by faithfulness. Responsorial ‡ Psalm 94:1-2.6-9If today you hear his voice, harden not your hearts. Second Reading ‡ 2 Timothy 1:6-8.13-14Never be ashamed of witnessing the Lord. Gospel ‡ Luke 17:5-10If you had faith! Very occasionally on a cold winter’s morning…

The law of four – part 3

13 December 2015

Advent, Seasons, Series, Teaching

We saw in the first week of this series that one of the places that we see the law of four is in every great story ever told as well as in the story of our own lives – the pattern of (1) Hearing the summons; (2) Enduring the obstacles; (3) Receiving the prize/favour and finally (4) Returning…

Connected to Life

3 May 2015

Easter, Seasons

Today we hear the final of the seven “I am” declarations that punctuate the Gospel of John – “I am the true vine.” This declaration is also unusual because it is the first time one that is explicitly relational: I am the vine; you are the branches. We should be in no doubt after hearing this declaration…

Celebrating the Easter Experience

7 April 2015

Easter, Seasons

Entering into the experience of Easter is always a profoundly moving event. I found this year to be no different – even though it was the first time that I have had the chance to lead the liturgies in a parish that I am responsible for which added its own stresses. The liturgies and encounters that…

Proclamation, Worship and Compassion as the heart of the Church

26 October 2014

Radio Program, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year A

Sometimes it can be helpful to return to first principles and ponder more deeply about the purpose and deepest nature of things like the Church. Thankfully our readings today provide us with this opportunity. After the Second Vatican Council, reflection upon the nature of the church has revealed that the reality of the church can…

The holy huddle of discipleship

23 September 2012

Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year B

As Jesus and his disciples make their way back from the mountain-top experience of the transfiguration and the ultimate revelation of Jesus as the Messiah, it is little wonder that the disciples remain confused. Jesus has been teaching them and preparing them for the day that they finally grasped that he was the true Messiah…

Blessed and broken the Lord feeds us

31 July 2012

Bible, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year B

Last week, when I celebrated Mass in the 803 year old private chapel of Lilienfelderhof at Pfaffstatten with the Galbraith family (as one does on holidays) we found ourselves in Mark’s gospel with the disciples needing time away from the hustle and rush of ministry, so they head across the lake to be by themselves…

Immediately driven

5 February 2012

Season of Growth, Year B

Every book in the biblical library has unique characteristics that set it apart from all other books in the bible. The passage that is our first reading today from the book of Job – dealing with suffering and pain – is fairly typical of this book. So also each of the gospels have particular ways…

Namaste – Holy Thursday

1 April 2010

Easter, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year C

Jesus was an endlessly fascinating character and a simply amazing human being. Across his whole life he never failed to love and bring life to the people that he mixed and shared with, as he taught and healed and forgave sins. In more recent years we were inspired by the example of Blessed Teresa of…

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