
Silent Wilderness

8 March 2025


 Embracing Lent: A Journey of Worship, Surrender, and Transformation Greetings, dear friends in Christ. As we embark on the sacred journey of Lent, I invite you to join me in a time of deep reflection and spiritual renewal. Lent is a season that calls us to step away from the distractions of daily life and…

Temptation Training

26 February 2023

Lent, Seasons

Lent Sunday 1, Year A Remember the last big meal. How did you feel after? Food coma. Not clear thinking. Sleepy. Suggestible. Jesus goes into the wilderness. 40 days and nights. He fasts, so he’s not in a food coma. Open to God. 40 – highly symbolic. Israel in the wilderness 3 testings – very…

O happy fault of Adam

9 March 2014

Lent, Seasons

At the Easter Vigil, there is an especially poignant moment during the singing of the Easter Proclamation, or the Exsultet, when the deacon or priest sings: “O happy fault, O necessary sin of Adam, which gained for us so great a Redeemer.” (Roman Missal II translation) As we set out on the journey of Lent,…

Worship and Temptation

17 February 2013

Lent, Seasons

On the first Sunday of Lent each year, we remember why we journey through the wilderness for forty days when we hear about the journey of Jesus – driven by the holy Spirit into the desert – for forty days of prayer and encounter with God. We must first note that temptation should not only…

Wilderness and floods

26 February 2012

Lent, Seasons

As we journey through lent each year, the Church provides us with similar foundations. Each year, on the first Sunday in Lent, we journey with Jesus out into the wilderness as he is tempted; on the second Sunday, we travel with Peter, James and John up a high mountain where Jesus is transfigured. These two…

Garden and wilderness

13 March 2011

Lent, Seasons

As we begin this new season of Lent, we are taken back to the garden of Eden to witness both the life of tranquility and peace that originally existed and then the condition during and after the fall. When the serpent entered into the picture, the lies and deception begin to flow and the consequences…

Purification in the desert

21 February 2010

Lent, Seasons

First Sunday in Lent – temptations in the desert. Deut 26; Rom 10; Luke 4 We begin the forty days of Lent by journeying with Moses and Jesus into our shared history, so that we have time away from all the distractions that we so often fill our lives with, to reflect on those questions…

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