The Chosen
Called and Chosen

5 May 2024
Embracing the Joy and Friendship of God: Lessons from Bishop Peter Today I want to share with you some insights and personal reflections that have shaped my journey of faith. I will be delving into the remarkable influence of the late Bishop Peter Ingham, a man whose love for laughter and God has left an…
Called and Chosen

12 May 2023
Mass from St John the Evangelist Catholic Church, Campbelltown with Fr Richard Healey Friday in the Fifth Week of Easter (Friday 12 May 2023) First Reading ‡ Acts 15:22-31 It has been decided by the Holy Spirit and ourselves not to burden you beyond what is essential. Responsorial ‡ Psalm 56:8-12 I will praise you…
The Chosen
9 May 2021
One of the truly wonderful aspects of the TV series called The Chosen. It’s a multi season series on the Life of Jesus and his disciples. But one of the wonderful things about this series is it’s very biblical but it tries to look at the different characters in the life and ministry of Jesus and develop some of their…