The Look of Love

24 March 2024
Embracing Love and Mercy Amidst the Shadows of Betrayal and Violence As we journey through the solemn and reflective period leading up to Easter, I find myself compelled to share with you a profound experience that has deeply touched my heart and spirit. In today’s blog post, I want to take you through the same…
Days of Darkness
18 November 2018
The darkness of the readings today appropriately match the mood of despair and darkness after yet more senseless and violent attacks that we have seen again this year. The Gospel is taken from the longest discourse in the Gospel of Mark – the whole of the thirteenth chapter features a single discussion by Jesus and…
Moving Mercy – part 2 – drop the jawbone
21 February 2016
Lent, Seasons, Series, Teaching
In this series on the experience and practice of mercy, the second reality that we need to confront is the intoxicating nature of revenge. When we look at the scriptures to find the first mention of revenge, we do not have to look very far. In fact, after the two accounts of creation in Genesis…
Days of Darkness
15 November 2015
The darkness of the readings today appropriately match the mood of despair and darkness after yet more senseless and violent attacks over the past few days in Beirut and especially in the city of light – Paris. The Gospel is taken from the longest discourse in the Gospel of Mark – the whole of the…