25 March 2023

Mary says yes

Message by: Fr Richard M Healey


MP3 media (9am)

The Annunciation of the Lord

This feast originated in the East during the sixth century and gained universal observance in the West during the eighth century. It is a feast of the Lord, commemorating the announcement to the Virgin Mary of the Word made flesh, Mary’s acceptance of God’s will, and the conception of Christ nine months before Christmas. Its occurrence close to Easter links the incarnation with the whole mystery of human redemption in Christ.

First Reading ‡ Isaiah 7:10-14.8:10

Behold, the virgin shall conceive.

Responsorial ‡ Psalm 39:7-11

Here am I, Lord; I come to do your will.

Second Reading ‡ Hebrews 10:4-10

In the scroll of the book it was written of me that I should obey your will, O God.

Gospel ‡ Luke 1:26-38

You are to conceive and bear a son.

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