A hunger to be fed

Celebration of First Holy Communion (Readings from the feast of Body and Blood of Christ) in St John Vianney Parish. The final of two special Masses.

Like when Jesus gathered with his disciples, we continue to gather to be fed by the Lord in the readings and to be united by him in this meal of new life and new hope. Jesus fed the huge crowd first with his word of life and then with food. When the disciples ask Jesus to feed the crowd, he first asks them to give them something to eat. The disciples forget that Jesus can do anything – he did after all just walk across the water.

This is especially the case as we also are invited to allow the kingdom of God to break into our lives, so that we can be changed by our encounter with the very presence of the Lord.

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Recorded at St John Vianney Church, 12noon (4’44”)

Before this Mass (like last week) I asked the Year Three children to suggest a few words that I had to include in the homily that I shared with them. Initially they suggested words like ‘Jesus’, ‘bread’, ‘wine’, ‘bible’, ‘God’, ‘eucharist’, but then their words became a little more left-field, like ‘random’, ‘rubber suit’ and ‘chocolate’. Hopefully this may explain why there appear to be these slightly random words today and last Sunday 😉

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