Sunday 19 in Year C
- First Reading ‡ Wisdom 18:6-9
Just as you struck our enemies, you made us glorious by calling us to you. - Responsorial ‡ Psalm 32:1.12.18-20.22
Happy the people the Lord has chosen to be his own. - Second Reading [longer form] ‡ Hebrews 11:1-2.8-19
We will look for the city designed and built by God. - Gospel [longer form] ‡ Luke 12:32-48
See that you are prepared.
It can be really hard to learn to trust someone. Often it takes dropping the masks and the personas that we so often use to project ourselves into the world. Only when there is true vulnerability shared is there the likelihood of true sharing of life. Building this vulnerability with God takes time and effort. It requires us to ascent with more than a series of head statements about belief. It requires a response from the depths of our being. We see this kind of movement in the second reading today where the character and example of Abraham and Sarah and their faith which slowly developed and grew over the course of their life and relationship with God. It is the same with us.