Hearing and Sharing

Sunday 23, Year B

’00:02:23′, ‘Jesus never treats us generically; we’re not just a number, we’re not just a person in the midst of a crowd.’

’00:04:37′, ‘How isolating that must be, and then Jesus takes him and it’s this really interesting description. Mark is the most likely of all of the gospel writers to tell us how often Jesus touches people.’

’00:06:52′, ‘Let’s indeed pray that we might open our ears to his word, that we might be available to go off to that private place to encounter the Lord Jesus, and that he will indeed touch us where we need to be healed.’

Key Points:

  • Historical context and significance of the Gospel of Mark
  • Comparison of Mark with the other Gospels (Matthew, Luke, John)
  • Recent resurgence of interest in the Gospel of Mark and its commentaries
  • Geographical analysis of Jesus’ journey in Mark, particularly the route to the Decapolis
  • Jesus’ mission to engage with Gentiles and individuals outside the Jewish faith
  • Importance of personal and intimate encounters with Jesus
  • Unique physicality of Jesus’ healing methods in Mark
  • Connection between healing stories and the sacrament of baptism
  • Role of hearing and speaking in the Christian faith and the journey to faith
  • Encouragement to seek personal encounters with Jesus and share the Gospel message with others

Embracing the Gospel of Mark: Personal Encounters with Jesus

Greetings, dear friends in Christ. Today, I want to delve into a profound reflection on the Gospel of Mark, inspired by a recent homily I shared. As we journey through this exploration, we will uncover the historical context of Mark’s Gospel, the significance of personal encounters with Jesus, and the transformative power of faith. Let us open our hearts and minds to the richness of God’s word and the intimate relationship He desires with each of us.

Rediscovering Mark’s Gospel

For many centuries, the Gospel of Mark has been somewhat overshadowed by the other Gospels—Matthew, Luke, and John. Despite being the first Gospel written, Mark has often been neglected in favour of its counterparts. However, in the last 40 years, there has been a remarkable resurgence of interest in Mark, with more commentaries produced in this period than in the previous 195 centuries combined. This renewed focus invites us to rediscover the unique insights and profound messages contained within Mark’s narrative.

The Geographical Puzzle

One intriguing aspect of Mark’s Gospel is the geographical journey of Jesus. In a specific passage, Jesus begins His journey in the region of Tyre, located in modern-day Lebanon, and heads toward the Sea of Galilee. However, the route described seems illogical, as it involves travelling north before heading east to the Decapolis, a predominantly Gentile area. This puzzling route raises questions about the intentionality behind Jesus’ travels.

Jesus’ Intentional Encounters: Seeking the Individual

The seemingly illogical route taken by Jesus may have been intentional, as He sought to meet a specific individual in the Decapolis. This encounter highlights Jesus’ mission to reach out to those who may not have been part of the Jewish faith. Jesus’ interactions are never generic; He treats each person as an individual, taking the time to engage with them personally. This personal approach is a testament to the depth of His love and care for each of us.

The Healing Story

In the healing story, Jesus takes a deaf man aside, away from the crowd, creating a private space for their interaction. This intimate setting allows for a deeper connection, contrasting with the overwhelming noise of the crowd. Jesus’ method of healing is unique to Mark, as He touches the man’s ears and tongue, demonstrating a personal and intimate approach. This act of touching serves to emphasize the closeness of Jesus’ relationship with those He heals.

The Sacrament of Baptism: Parallels with Baptism

The healing story in Mark draws parallels with the sacrament of baptism. In baptism, we are called to hear and speak the word of God, much like the deaf man who was healed by Jesus. Romans 10 reminds us that faith comes from hearing, and this is a crucial aspect of our Christian journey. The physicality of Jesus’ healing method underscores the importance of presence and connection in our faith practices.

Personal Reflections

Reflecting on my own journey to faith, I am reminded of the significant role others played in sharing the Gospel message with me. It is through hearing the word of God and experiencing personal encounters with Jesus that our faith is nurtured and strengthened. As we grow in our relationship with Christ, we are called to share this transformative message with others.

The Transformative Power of Faith: Opening Our Ears to God’s Word

As we reflect on the Gospel of Mark and the healing story, we are reminded of the importance of opening our ears to God’s word. Jesus often takes individuals away from distractions to focus on their needs, creating a space for personal encounters. In our busy lives, it is essential to carve out time for quiet reflection and prayer, allowing us to hear God’s voice and experience His presence.

Sharing the Gospel Message

The call to action is clear: to be receptive to God’s word and to actively participate in proclaiming the Gospel in the world. We are invited to share the message of God’s love and mercy with others, just as Jesus did. By doing so, we become instruments of His grace, bringing hope and healing to those around us.


In summary, the Gospel of Mark offers us a rich tapestry of personal encounters with Jesus, highlighting the significance of hearing and speaking in the life of faith. As we embrace the transformative power of faith, let us open our ears to God’s word and seek personal encounters with Jesus. May we be inspired to share the Gospel message with others, bringing the light of Christ into the world.

Thank you for joining me on this journey through the Gospel of Mark. May God’s blessings be upon you as you continue to grow in faith and share His love with others.

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