Act of Consecration to Our Lady of Aparecida

Act of Consecration to Our Lady of Aparecida

Mary Most Holy by the merits of Our Lord Jesus Christ,
in your beloved image of Aparecida,
spread infinite favours over all Brazil.

I, unworthy to be counted among your sons and daughters
but full of desire to share in the blessings of your mercy,
lie prostrate at your feet.

To you I consecrate my intentions,
that they may ever dwell on the love that you merit;
to you I consecrate my tongue that it may ever praise you
and spread your devotion;
to you I consecrate my heart,
that, after God, I may love you above all things.

Receive me, incomparable Queen,
you whom Christ Crucified gave to us as Mother,
and count me among your blessed sons and daughters;
take me under your protection;
come to my aid in all my needs,
both spiritual and temporal,
and above all at the hour of my death.

Bless me, heavenly helper,
and through your powerful intercession,
give me strength in my weakness,
so that, by serving you faithfully in this life,
I may praise you,
love you and give you thanks in heaven,
for all eternity.
Let it be!

Pope Francis

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