Apostle to the Apostles

22 July - Mary Magdalene

The Encounter of Mary Magdalene with the Risen Jesus

Today, we reflect on a profound moment from the Gospel of John, where we witness Mary Magdalene’s encounter with the risen Christ. This encounter is not just a historical event but a deeply spiritual and transformative experience that offers us valuable lessons in faith, redemption, and the power of personal relationship with Jesus.

The Encounter at the Tomb

It was early on the first day of the week, still dark, when Mary approached the tomb. She discovered that the stone had been rolled away and, in her distress, ran to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one whom Jesus loved, exclaiming, “They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don’t know where they have put him.”

Mary’s sorrow is palpable as she remains outside the tomb, weeping. In her grief, she looks inside and sees two angels in white, seated where Jesus’ body had been. They ask her, “Woman, why are you weeping?” She responds, “They have taken my Lord away, and I don’t know where they have put him.”

As she turns around, she sees Jesus standing there, though she does not recognize him. He asks her the same question: “Woman, why are you weeping? Who are you looking for?” Mistaking him for the gardener, she pleads for information about Jesus’ whereabouts. It is only when Jesus calls her by name, “Mary,” that she recognizes him and responds with joy, calling him “Rabboni,” which means Master.

The Significance of Mary Magdalene’s Role: A Model of Faith and Transformation

Mary Magdalene’s journey from sorrow to joy encapsulates the transformative power of encountering the risen Christ. Her deep intimacy and personal relationship with Jesus are evident in this encounter. Mary, who had been profoundly changed by Jesus—having had seven demons cast out of her—embodies the theme of redemption and renewal.

Misconceptions and Historical Mischaracterizations

Unfortunately, throughout history, Mary Magdalene has often been mischaracterized. The conflation of her with the woman caught in adultery or a sinful woman has persisted, largely due to misinterpretations and cultural biases. This misconception, propagated by figures such as Pope Gregory I, has overshadowed her true identity as a devoted follower of Christ. There is no scriptural basis for linking her to sexual sin; rather, the Gospels present her as a model of faith and transformation.

The First Proclaimer of the Resurrection

Jesus instructs Mary not to cling to him, as he has not yet ascended to the Father. Instead, he sends her to tell the disciples of his resurrection, saying, “I am ascending to my Father and your Father, to my God and your God.” Mary Magdalene becomes the first to proclaim the resurrection, sharing the news with the disciples: “I have seen the Lord!”

This encounter is rich with meaning and significance. It highlights the deep intimacy and personal relationship that Mary had with Jesus. Her journey from sorrow to joy encapsulates the transformative power of encountering the risen Christ.

Lessons for Our Lives: Embracing Transformation

Mary’s story challenges us to recognize the depth of her experience and the joy that comes from a genuine encounter with Jesus. She is the first to witness the resurrection, a testament to her faith and love. This misrepresentation reflects a broader tendency to disbelieve in the power of change and redemption, particularly in women.

Proclaiming the Good News

The Gospel of Mark presents a stark contrast, ending with the women leaving the tomb in fear and silence. In contrast, Mary Magdalene’s encounter with Jesus empowers her to proclaim the good news. Her transformation from despair to joy serves as an invitation for all of us to embrace the possibility of renewal in our own lives.

Personal Reflection and Action

As we reflect on this powerful narrative, let us consider how we can embody Mary’s faith and courage. We are called to recognize the transformative presence of Christ in our lives and to share that experience with others. Like Mary, we are invited to proclaim, “I have seen the Lord,” and to testify to the ways in which our lives have been changed by his love.


Let us pray for the grace to believe in the resurrection and to share that belief with others. May we, through Mary’s intercession, be inspired to embrace the freedom and joy that comes from a relationship with the risen Christ. Amen.

By delving into the nuances of Mary Magdalene’s encounter with the risen Jesus, we uncover profound lessons in faith, transformation, and the power of personal relationship with Christ. Let us take these insights to heart and strive to live out our faith with the same courage and conviction as Mary Magdalene.

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