A chosen race and a royal priesthood

iS10898556During Easter we read from the first letter of St Peter, and we come today to what is one of the most extraordinary declarations in scripture. Peter addresses a mixed community – young and old, men and women, gentiles and Jews, leaders and members – and to each person he reminds us that Jesus has drawn very near to us and wants to make us into living stones to form a spiritual house. Then, using words that were once addressed to the tribes of Israel gathered with Moses around the mountain of Sinai, he then declares that we share in this same dignity and more – of being a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation. Strangely the liturgy omits verse 10, which declares, ‘You were once no people, but now you are God’s people; once you had no mercy, but now you have received mercy.’

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Recorded in 2011 at Mater Dolorosa, Balgownie; edited (7’59”).
It was Mission Sunday in the parish, so no homily was recorded.

Sunday 5 in Easter, Year A. 1 Peter 2:4-10.

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