Living on the third day

24 April 2011

Easter, New Creation, Seasons, Teaching

Welcome to the third day – the day when everything is different because of that day – which John calls the first day of the new week, when the tomb was empty. On Friday we waited in silence and we mourned and lamented. We so often live our whole lives on Friday. We are shocked…

Resurrection Day (Vigil)

23 April 2011

Easter, New Creation, Seasons, Teaching

The Easter Vigil provides us with the opportunity to be immersed within the story of our salvation and the continuing work of God – from creation to redemption. So it is only appropriate that we make Alleluia our song as we celebrate the day of Resurrection and become builders of the new creation.Play MP3Recorded at…

Betrayal, lies and grace

17 April 2011

Easter, Seasons

The Palm Sunday liturgy crams an amazing array of emotions into an hour – from the jubilation of the triumphant entry into Jerusalem to the heartbreak and desolation of betrayal, sleep, violence, cowardice, lies, false witness, racial abuse, denial, pride, anger – the reality of so much human sin on display. It is precisely into…

Roll the stone away from the stink

9 April 2011

Easter, Seasons

This most powerful healing story – perhaps the ultimate miracle with the raising of a man four-days dead – begins so simply with a description of the fact that a man called Lazarus was ill. Most of our English biblical names have come to us via the Latin Vulgate translation. In the original Hebrew, Lararus…

Blinded by the light

3 April 2011

Discipleship, Lent, New Creation, Seasons, Teaching

To truly appreciate the full scope of this sixth sign in the gospel of John – the healing and faith of the man born blind – we need to remember the full scope of John’s spiritual vision. John is always leading us to look back to the beginning of creation and forward to the wonders…

Thirst quenched by living water

26 March 2011

Lent, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year A

The story of the woman at the well presents many strange scenes in this most beautiful Gospel. John 4 begins by telling us that Jesus learnt that the Pharisees had heard that Jesus was baptising and making more disciples than John the Baptist (although it wasn’t Jesus who was baptising, but his disciples – apparantly)…

The voice of justice

25 March 2011

Lent, Seasons

If justice and injustice were in the flesh, what would they say to us? Which voice would commend, which would rebuke — and whose voice would be most familiar?The Voice of Justice from The Justice Conference on Vimeo.See more:

Goat or Calf?

25 March 2011

Discipleship, Teaching

During this Mass for the Anointing of the Sick, the Gospel of Lent week 2 Saturday was from Luke 15 – the parable of the Prodigal Son. We often focus on the younger son, but this brief reflection looks at the older son and compares the two by way of the two animals that the…

Changed by cross and glory

19 March 2011

Lent, New Creation, Season of Growth, Seasons, Teaching, Year A

On the second Sunday in Lent each year we join Peter, James and John to witness that incredible moment when Jesus is changed (in the Greek, metamorphoo, which you can probably discern from the word is an aorist indicative passive third person singular verb, which is a form of ‘metamorphosis’ meaning ‘to remodel’ or ‘to…

Garden and wilderness

13 March 2011

Lent, Seasons

As we begin this new season of Lent, we are taken back to the garden of Eden to witness both the life of tranquility and peace that originally existed and then the condition during and after the fall. When the serpent entered into the picture, the lies and deception begin to flow and the consequences…

Worry, money and insurance

26 February 2011

Discipleship, Teaching

The fact that Jesus repeats a phrase seven times in our Gospel reading today perhaps suggests that there is something he wants us to learn. In a world that values money, security and wealth much more highly than the glories of God’s creation, the words of Jesus invite us to embrace a different way of…

Renovations at SJV

24 February 2011


The parish Church at Fairy Meadow is soon to undergo a range of renovations – improvements to the sanctuary, the main body of the church and to the entrances and landscaping. Some of the work will require that the church is closed (during which time all Masses will be transferred to the parish church in…

Offer the left cheek

20 February 2011

Season of Growth, Year A

A story told by Eugene Peterson (the author of The Message Bible – a translation in very contemporary English) of the day when the tables were turned on Garrison Johns – the school yard bully who had beaten up on Eugene every day after school for seven months – highlights the way that we have…

But I say to you

12 February 2011

Season of Growth, Year A

Often we imagine – to tell you the truth – that the teaching of Jesus was much softer that the hard edges of the laws of Moses. Yet – to be honest with you – what we discover in today’s Gospel (Matthew 5:17-37) is the very opposite of this. In the face of an ages’…

Salt and Light already

6 February 2011

Discipleship, Teaching

As we continue to journey through the sermon on the mount, lest we imagine that the kingdom of heaven is only something that will happen in the distant future, today we are given two promises that serve as concrete declarations of the kingdom breaking into our present reality. Jesus tells the crowd of disciples (who…

Blessing of Mercy and Peace

30 January 2011

Season of Growth, Year A

We begin to sit at the feet of Jesus as he shares the sermon on the mountain with his disciples (including us) and begins by reminding us that at the heart of Christianity is the desire of God that we should know fullness of life (blessing) in him. When we examine the series of eight…

Longing for the Lamb

17 January 2011

Discipleship, Teaching

In last Sunday’s feast of the Baptism, we saw that Jesus – despite the expectations of John the Baptist – identified with sinners and went down into the muddy waters of the Jordan River. This week in Brisbane we saw first hand the destructive power of nature in the floods that have devastated so many…

Baptism of the Lord

9 January 2011

Season of Growth, Year A

The Baptism of the Lord. When we celebrate the feast, we can forget just what it would have meant for those who were there the day that Jesus arrived at the Jordan River to be baptised by John. John preaches that the Messiah will come to cleanse and purify with his fire and power -…

The journey of the Magi

1 January 2011

Christmas, Epiphany, Seasons

Feast of the Epiphany. The journey of the magi provides us with an opportunity to reflect on our own relationship with Christ and the lengths that we go to seek out truth and bring our lives in worship before the child king in Bethlehem. Play MP3Recorded at SJV, 6pm (7’00”)Play MP3Recorded at SJV, 10.30am (6’41”)

Family Models

26 December 2010

Christmas, Seasons

On the feast of the Holy Family, we are presented with various images and models of family. St Paul encourages us to be clothed in love as we allow the message of Christ to find a home within us. In the gospel, St Matthew in Herod and Joseph gives us two figures that provide powerful…

The word revealed in the sight of all the nations

25 December 2010

Christmas, Seasons

We are reminded in the prologue to the Gospel of John of the incredible power of the word of God – a word that changed the course of human history in ways that we will never understand. Some of the most defining moments in human history have been shaped and defined by human words -…

Rethinking familiar stories

24 December 2010

Christmas, Seasons

When we hear the Christmas story proclaimed in the Gospel of Luke, we are more than likely so very familiar with the basic story line, that we simply switch off, or switch into sentimental childhood memories replete with lots of non-biblical details. When we actually look closely at the story, perhaps what we see in…

Big dreams and promises

19 December 2010

Advent, Seasons

In our final Advent Sunday, the magnificent prophecies from the book of Isaiah turn with a very specific promise made to a very specific king – the young man Ahaz (only 20 in 735BCE) who finds himself hemmed in from every side by enemies. He doesn’t know where to turn and is most likely quite…

Waiting and growing

12 December 2010

Advent, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year A

As we celebrate Gaudete (Rejoice!) Sunday, we remain with the figure of St John the Catholic Baptist – but now, we are not at the very beginning of his prophetic ministry, but almost at the end. He is in prison because of his objections to the marriage of the claimed king of Israel, Herod (who…

Washed in the desert

4 December 2010

Advent, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year A

As we continue our journey through this sacred season of Advent, we are again given the majestic vision of the glory of the Lord bringing peace and unity to all creation – all as the fruit of a small shoot that grows from the root of Jesse. As Christians, we profess that this shoot is…

Gathering on the mountain

28 November 2010

Advent, Seasons

As we begin a new liturgical season, and indeed a new year – the first year in our three year cycle of readings – it seems appropriate that the first image that is presented to us is something that is so deeply ingrained in my psyche – the mountain as a sacred place. I grew…

A king on a cross

20 November 2010

Season of Growth, Year C

Christ the King – the final Sunday in the Season of the Year. This feast, and the image of king, undoubtably invokes many images. This week it was announced that Prince William and Kate Middleton were finally engaged which caused many hearts to race in anticipation of a royal wedding in the middle of 2011….

Asteroids and kingdoms

15 November 2010

Season of Growth, Year C

Sunday 33 in Year C; Luke 21:5-19. In the Gospel, which takes place in the final days of Jesus ministry in Jerusalem, the country-yokel disciples remark on how magnificent the temple is. Thinking back to the impression that the very first time that I beheld the incredible magnificence of St Peter’s Basilica in Rome some…

Life, death, hands, feet, bodies and couches

6 November 2010

New Creation, Teaching

Now that our journey with Jesus to Jerusalem has finally reached its climax in the triumphant entry into the city, the tension only continues to increase. Likewise, as the liturgical year rapidly draws to a close, the church this week offers readings that invite us to reflect on what happens to us – and very…

The today of salvation

31 October 2010

Discipleship, Teaching

As we move into the final stage of our journey to Jerusalem in the gospel of Luke we find Jesus on the move through the town of Jericho. On the wings there appears this short, wealthy chief tax collector who for some unknown reason decides that climbing a tree is a good way to avoid…

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