Year C

Anointed and Sent

24 January 2016

Season of Growth, Year C

The scene that is presented to us today from the book of Nehemiah is much more significant than it perhaps at first appears. The people of Israel have recently returned from the devastating period of exile in Babylon, which began with the complete destruction of the city of Jerusalem and its temple in 586 BCE,…

The Baptism of Jesus and ours

10 January 2016

Christmas, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year C

When you come to reflect on the baptism of Jesus, the first thing that you need to take account of is how odd an event it must have been. The primary significance of the baptism that John was offering was a washing from sin and a ritual of repentance. It was in direct competition to…

The law of four – part 1

29 November 2015

Advent, Season of Growth, Seasons, Series, Teaching, Year C

The new parish logo has been inspired by a much larger and more ancient reality. Looking at the nature of church and our involvement within it, as well as the structure of the liturgical year and the arrangement of the readings from the Gospels is part of what we will be considering over the next…

Christ the King on a Cross

23 November 2013

Bible, Season of Growth, Solemnity, Teaching, Year C

Today we come to the end of the year – the final day in what is called the liturgical year – as we celebrate the great feast of Christ the King. But the Gospel today helps us to keep our eyes focused very sharply on what Jesus as King is really going to mean and…

An Apocalyptic Age

17 November 2013

Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year C

One of the styles of biblical literature that causes great misunderstanding is apocalyptic. This is not helped by the many, perhaps more fundamentalist interpreters who attempt to find literal meaning in the events of the present world, when the only direct literal meaning concerns events at the time the texts were written. In this case,…

Resurrected temple

11 November 2013

Bible, New Creation, Radio Program, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year C

The long journey that we have been on with Jesus which began in chapter 9 of the Gospel of Luke – the journey from Galilee in the north down to Jerusalem has finished and Jesus has made his triumphant entry into Jerusalem – which the church celebrates each year on Palm Sunday. So all the…

Salvation has come to this house

3 November 2013

Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year C

To fully appreciate the story of Zacchaeus you do need to understand how despised he would have been within the society of Jericho – itself already on the outside of acceptable Jewish society, given its reputation as a city of sin and its history of standing opposed to the kingdom of God. There were three…

Have mercy on me, a sinner

27 October 2013

Radio Program, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year C

The parable that lies at the heart of our Gospel this week, from Luke chapter 18, seems at first glance to be describing a religious event. In reality, like the parable that begins chapter 18 which we heard last Sunday – the one about the widow and the corrupt judge – this parable also is…

Dealing with dysfunction

20 October 2013

Season of Growth, Year C

Although St Paul tells his young disciple Timothy that “All scripture is inspired by God and is useful for teaching, refuting error, guiding people’s lives and teaching them to be holy” (2 Tim 3:16) it is hard to see how that can be applied to our first reading today, taken from Exodus 17:8-13. Like so…

Cured and healed

12 October 2013

Discipleship, New Creation, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year C

When was the last time that you were so truly grateful for something that happened in your life that you had to shout out aloud in thanksgiving. Perhaps if you were a Roosters fan, it was last Sunday night? I remember as a kid growing up on the farm, we would often help dad when…

Faith enkindled

6 October 2013

Season of Growth, Teaching, Technology, Year C

Societies have always been constructed around complicated systems of honour and appearance. Some people are part of the ‘in crowd’; others are not. This week I caught up with two families that each have fourteen-year-old daughters who were born only a few days apart – so they have grown up like sisters. Before they go…

The parable of the dishonest manager

22 September 2013

Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year C

In the forty or so parables that Jesus tells in the first three Gospels there are lots of twists and surprises along the way – but perhaps none is quite as perplexing as the one that we find in the sixteenth chapter of the Gospel of Luke, the parable of the unjust steward. It is…

The rubbish of the older brother

15 September 2013

Season of Growth, Year C

When I was in USA a few months ago, I visited the Great Smoky Mountains national park in Eastern Tennessee. It is a beautiful place, and the most visited of the national parks in America, attracting millions of visitors each year. And most of those visitors first go to the main entrance and visitors station…

Jesus Others You = Joy

9 September 2013

Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year C

Credit: The gospel that we just heard is one of those that makes you really wonder who Jesus is? What kind of person says something as outrageous as ‘If any man comes to me without hating (miseo) his father, mother, wife, children, brothers, sisters, yes and his own life too, he cannot…

A place at the table

1 September 2013

New Creation, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year C

The vision that the letter to the Hebrews paints today is certainly expansive. It is an image of the new creation where everyone is welcome and treated as a first-born son and citizen. After attending a forum at the University of Wollongong this week on Refugees, it became even more apparent how far removed this…

Being more like Jesus

25 August 2013

Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year C

When I was a student at Sydney University, there was one question that I was regularly asked – are you saved? Sometimes it was in the form of the “if you died tonight, where would you end up – in heaven or hell?” Perhaps this was because as an Economics student I had more time…

Casting fire on a gloomy earth

18 August 2013

Season of Growth, Year C

One of the things that never fails to amaze me – and this is a little embarrassing to admit! – is when you have been literally under the weather for a while: the sky is grey and overcast, perhaps it has rained a bit, with fog and mist thrown in and the weather is really…

The kingdom received already

11 August 2013

Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year C

The opening line of our Gospel today provides an essential description of the Christian message for us – if only we could receive it and live it. “Do not be afraid, little flock, for it has pleased the Father to give you the Kingdom.” So often we live caught up in a false notion that…

Vapour in a World Youth Day crowd

4 August 2013

Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year C

“Vanity of vanities says the Preacher – all is vanity.” In the middle of the crowd of 3,700,000 pilgrims on Copacabana Beach last weekend for the World Youth Day vigil and Mass with Pope Francis it was easy to feel overawed, excited and probably more scared than I wanted to admit. Two years ago I…

God is near the Body of Christ

7 July 2013

Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year C

There is a sense of urgency in the Gospel today as Jesus sends out this group of seventy(-two) disciples to prepare the way for him as he continues to make his pilgrimage journey to Jerusalem. He had already sent out the twelve apostles on mission at the beginning of the previous chapter (Luke 9:1); only…

Setting our face towards the Lord

2 July 2013

Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year C

The Gospel of Luke begins and ends in Jerusalem. Until the Gospel today (from Luke 9:51-62) all the action has taken place with Jesus ministering around the area where he grew up – Galilee – in places such as Capernaum, the lake, Nain and Mount Tabor. But there is a decisive shift at the beginning of…

Disciples of the Messiah

23 June 2013

Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year C

The theme for the World Youth Day this year, to be held in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil next month, is “Go and make disciples of all nations” from the end of Matthew 28. Which in some ways begs the question of “what is a disciple?” What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? What are…

Look at this woman

16 June 2013

Season of Growth, Year C

Immediately before our passage from Galatians chapter 2, Paul takes to task several apostles for their hypocrisy. For example, although Cephas (St Peter) was in the habit of eating with everyone, including Gentiles; but when some people associated with the Apostle James arrived he then drew back and would then only eat with Jews. This…

Healed in the valley

9 June 2013

Season of Growth, Year C

The Gospel that we have just heard is interesting – not least because since the revision of the lectionary almost 50 years ago, this is only the second time that we have had these readings for the tenth Sunday (the last time was back in 1986) – so many preachers have probably gone scurrying for…

Woe is me yet here I am

10 February 2013

Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year C

I consider myself to be rather good at designing and maintaining websites, so perhaps the equivalent scene in today’s gospel (Luke 5:1-11) would be if – for example – Bishop Peter happened to drop into the parish office after a frustrating day of work, where new components or installations were not working on the Diocesan…

Changed by black fire

27 January 2013

Bible, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year C

The scene that is described in the first reading, from Nehemiah 8 is certainly most extraordinary. Hearing that after almost a century since King Cyrus had allowed the people of God to return from Exile to the promised land, Ezra the priest and Nehemiah the civic official in the Persian court organise to return with…

Timely weddings

20 January 2013

Season of Growth, Year C

‘Nuptial imagery rings through the bible like peals of wedding bells’ (Bishop Tom Wright) Today we have the fourth of the great epiphanies – when the true identity of Jesus is revealed. Although it may be tempting to imagine the scene of the wedding at Cana as a contrast between the stale water of Judaism…

Grace impels us to go in haste

22 December 2012

Advent, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year C

The liturgy through the season of Advent provides events and characters to meditate upon. We are joined by Hebrew Testament prophets in our journey who express the hopes and longings of the generations of people for the Messiah to come. In the weekday Masses, Isaiah provides the main voice, but in our Sunday Masses, we…

Rejoice in the day of the Lord

15 December 2012

Advent, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year C

As a society we so often accept poor substitutes rather than the fullness of life experience that is offered to us. When we journey through the season of Advent, it can at times feel like a poor substitute for the season of Lent. The reality is very different – because the character of the season…

Arise and look to the east

9 December 2012

Advent, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year C

The readings today reminded me of being in Brisbane at the start of last year, when the devastating flood waters that had claimed too many lives in the Lockyer Valley moved downstream towards the city. Authorities did not want any more lives to be lost, so did all that they could to ensure that the…

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