29A – Ordinary Sunday 29

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Recordings are based on the Australian Lectionary, using the draft texts of the Revised New Jerusalem Bible (RNJB) with Revised Grail Psalms.
The current lectionary readings, based on the Jerusalem Bible (JB) with Grail Psalms are also available for download below.

First Reading ‡ Isaiah 45:1.4-6
I have taken the hand of Cyrus to subdue nations before his countenance.

Responsorial ‡ Psalm 95:1.3-5.7-10
Give the Lord glory and honour.

Second Reading ‡ 1 Thessalonians 1:1-5b
We are mindful of your faith, hope, and love.

Gospel ‡ Matthew 22:15-21
Give to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar and to God the things that are God’s.

Season of the Year, Year A

The audio recordings include the draft text of the new Australian Lectionary, based on the Revised New Jerusalem Bible (RNJB) with the Revised Grail Psalms.

Recordings of the Liturgy of the Word prepared by Fr Richard Healey.

Published: 16 Oct 2023
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