EPB – Pentecost Sunday

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Recordings are based on the Australian Lectionary, using the draft texts of the Revised New Jerusalem Bible (RNJB) with Revised Grail Psalms.
The current lectionary readings, based on the Jerusalem Bible (JB) with Grail Psalms are also available for download below.

First Reading ‡ Acts 1:1-11
Why are you standing here looking into the sky? Jesus has been taken into heaven.

Responsorial ‡ Psalm 46:2-3,6-9
God mounts his throne to shouts of joy:
a blare of trumpets for the Lord.

Second Reading ‡ Galatians 5:16-25
The fruit of the Spirit.


Gospel ‡ John 15:26-27; 16:12-15
The Spirit of truth will guide you into all the truth.

Season of Easter, Solemnity, Year B

The audio recordings include the draft text of the new Australian Lectionary, based on the Revised New Jerusalem Bible (RNJB) with the Revised Grail Psalms.

Recordings of the Liturgy of the Word prepared by Fr Richard Healey.

Published: 13 May 2024
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