From Conflict to Communion

17 August 2024
Embracing the Eucharist: A Journey Through Conflict and Transformation Today, I want to share with you some reflections on the profound teachings of Jesus on the Eucharist and its significance in our spiritual journey. This discussion is rooted in the context of conflict and arguments, drawing parallels between our personal experiences and the transformative power…
Hunger and Thirst

3 August 2024
Spiritual Hunger and the Quest for Fulfillment In this episode, I share a personal story from my travels in Europe, which serves as a backdrop for a deeper exploration of spiritual hunger and the quest for fulfillment in a relationship with God. The narrative begins with a hiking adventure in the Austrian Alps, where I,…
The Lord feeds us

11 June 2023
Many polls indicate that few census Catholics believe in the real presence of Jesus in the Eucharist. This may also explain why so many of the people who once gathered each Sunday to celebrate with us, have not returned after the pandemic. If you do not believe that in receiving the Eucharist you actually receive…
Hope along the road

23 April 2023
Sunday 3 in Easter, Year A In this Catholic Mass, we celebrate the 3rd Sunday of Easter with a focus on the Gospel of the road to Emmaus (Luke 24). Join us in exploring the theme of Hope along the road as we reflect on the journey of the disciples on their way to Emmaus….
Behold the Lamb of God

15 January 2023
As we move into this ordinary time of the year and this cycle of readings from what should be the Gospel of Matthew in Year A. We now have a reading from the Gospel of John – because we need to hear this witness of John the Baptist and John the evangelist presents him in…
Come to the Centre and go
19 June 2022
Season of Growth, Solemnity, Year C
One of the truly great things about the gospels is that they remind us that the disciples are not magically transformed the first time they meet Jesus. It takes time for them to get to know him and slowly begin to understand what he is all about. I imagine that they were pretty chuffed at…
Invitation to love
11 June 2022
Season of Growth, Solemnity, Year C
TRINITY SUNDAY – The divine dance The biggest challenge in approaching a deeper understanding of the nature of God is being Western. Having a Western mind is really useful for science and computing + engineering. It is really not all that helpful for God. It began with the Greeks who loved making distinctions and treating…
Feeding the hungry
29 May 2016
Discipleship, Solemnity, Teaching
One of the things that might first strike us about the readings that are presented to us for our reflection on this Solemnity of the Body and Blood of Christ, is that we are not given the account of the last supper from the Gospel of Luke. Instead we are given the only account in…
Holy Thursday – Meals transformed
25 March 2016
Discipleship, Easter, Seasons, Teaching
Mass of the Lord’s Supper – a reflection on the person of Jesus who spends so much of his life eating meals with all the wrong kinds of people. Tonight we are invited to allow this meal to transform – not only the bread into his body and the wine into his blood – but…
Flesh and Blood
16 August 2015
Radio Program, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year B
The Gospel this Sunday once again from John 6 presents a most remarkable promise: anyone who eats his body and drinks his blood will live forever. Jesus will raise us up on the last day. One of the reasons that this is so remarkable is that one of the best known prohibitions in the Jewish…
Awakening to the rhythm of life
9 August 2015
The prophet Elijah should have been at the very peak of his game. He marched dramatically onto the pages of history at the beginning of I Kings 17 with a whole series of mighty deeds that he performs that already sets him apart from the ordinary run-of-the-mill followers of God. These deeds reach their crescendo…
Sharing with open hands
25 July 2015
This year we have been reading from the Gospel of Mark. Last week we had the story of Jesus and the disciples crossing over the lake and coming to find a large crowd of people, which he set out to teach at some length. Rather than continuing the story from Mark, we interrupt the story…
The good gift of the body broken
7 June 2015
On the feast of the Body and Blood of the Lord, we really should begin by re-enacting the Exodus reading – it would be a great sight to haul in a few young bullocks, slaughter them, drain all the blood into huge bowls and then begin splashing one bowl all over the altar and then…
Celebrating the Easter Experience
7 April 2015
Entering into the experience of Easter is always a profoundly moving event. I found this year to be no different – even though it was the first time that I have had the chance to lead the liturgies in a parish that I am responsible for which added its own stresses. The liturgies and encounters that…
Encountering the Living God
22 June 2014
When you think about God and how God offers a relationship with him, it seems to me that the word encounter is one of the more helpful ways of describing this relationship. Yet, when you look up the word encounter, you discover that it comes into the English language via the Old French word encontre,…
Holy Thursday – a place at the table
18 April 2014
The ministry of Jesus was characterised by the meals he ate. Sometimes he ate with the right kind of people — the Jewish leaders, the priests, the rich, the Pharisees; sometimes he ate with the decidedly wrong kind of people — tax collectors, prostitutes, sinners and commoners. His table was open to all. He loved…
Give them something to eat
2 June 2013
In this season of Random Feasts (to quote Fr Austin Litke OP) we are presented with the mysterious figure of Melchizedek as we contemplate the Body and Blood of Christ in our Mass today. Malek in Hebrew means ‘king’ and sedeq means ‘justice’, so not only is this man a king of justice or righteousness, he…
Take and eat my flesh; drink my blood
19 August 2012
As we arrive at the fourth week of our readings from John 6, we arrive at the section that has been the most controversial over the centuries, as different Christian traditions have offered very different understandings and interpretations of this key text. Until verse 51, although Jesus has been speaking about the Eucharist, it has…
Passover and redemption
6 April 2012
Although John spends more time describing the events of the last supper – including the conversations across five chapters of his Gospel – he doesn’t give us the details of the institution of the eucharist. He does give us plenty of details around the event, including ensuring that we know that it all unfolded…
A new covenant
24 March 2012
Taking a friend out for a driving lesson a few weeks ago brought to mind my own experience of learning to drive a car. Growing up on a farm, our first driving experience was with tractors and motorbikes and eventually cars as we made our way around the paddocks. But once I actually received my…
Liturgical Dance
26 June 2011
Reality TV shows like MasterChef have reminded us of the art involved in preparing a meal – you need the right equipment, the right techniques and especially the right ingredients in the correct balance to prepare the culinary masterpiece. The feast of the Body and Blood of Christ provides an opportunity to reflect on the…
A hunger to be fed
19 September 2010
Celebration of First Holy Communion (Readings from the feast of Body and Blood of Christ) in St John Vianney Parish. The final of two special Masses. Like when Jesus gathered with his disciples, we continue to gather to be fed by the Lord in the readings and to be united by him in this meal…
New life and new hope
11 September 2010
Celebration of First Holy Communion (Readings from the feast of Body and Blood of Christ) in St John Vianney Parish at the first of two special Masses. Like when Jesus gathered with his disciples, we continue to gather to be fed by the Lord in the readings and to be united by him in this…
A priest of El Elyon
6 June 2010
The first reading from Genesis presents the intriguing character of Melchizedek, king of Salem, and priest of El Elyon (God Most High) who offers Abram a sacrifice of bread and wine. Why is this significant for the celebration of this feast of the Eucharist? There are two significant points of distinction about the passage from…
Hungry to be satisfied
26 July 2009
17B – Season of the Year – John 6:1-15 This year we have been reading from the Gospel of Mark. Last week we had the story of Jesus and the disciples crossing over the lake and coming to find a large crowd of people, which he set out to teach at some length. Rather than…
Body and Blood of Christ – Passover and Eucharist
14 June 2009
The Gospel today (Mark 14:12-16) begins with a reminder that the Last Supper occurred in the context of the Feast of Unleavened Bread, with the sacrifice and eating of the Passover Lamb. To understand this meal, we need to look back through Scripture to the first and most significant meals in human history. In this…