Hidden Abundance

19 January 2025
Weddings in the Time of Jesus: A Reflection on the Wedding at Cana Weddings are remarkable events filled with beautiful memories and, often, humorous mishaps. While contemporary weddings are well-documented, reconstructing the details of weddings during the time of Jesus can be challenging due to the limited scriptural references. Historians and academics typically focus on…
Come to the Feast

15 October 2023
Embracing Celebration: A Reflection on Weddings, Invitations, and God’s Love The Unconventional Wedding of Sarah Wilkinson I recently delved into a fascinating news article about a woman named Sarah Wilkinson. Sarah made the bold decision to proceed with her wedding, despite not having a partner. This unconventional choice sparked a discussion about the potential disappointment…
The two become one
2 October 2021
Divorce is one of the sad realities of our world. There are very few families that have not been touched by the heartache of separation and divorce. I suspect that my immediate family where my parents and my four siblings are all in multi-decade first marriages makes us rather unusual. The reality is that making…
The Tragedy of the Unprepared Life
7 November 2020
When we arrive in November, we know that there will be a change in the energy and movement of the liturgical year. Geared to the seasons in the northern hemisphere, there is increasing darkness and an apocalyptic turn as we hear the final passages of Jesus during the final week of his public ministry. It…
Hard Hearted Divorce
7 October 2018
Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year B
Today we get to reflect on everyone’s favourite topic: divorce. The verse before our Gospel begins today provides a little more context when it tells us that Jesus was travelling with his disciples and the crowds down through the Jordan Valley into Judea and onto Jerusalem. When the Pharisees approach Jesus and ask the question:…
Hard Hearted Divorce
4 October 2015
Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year B
Today we get to reflect on everyone’s favourite topic: divorce. The verse before our Gospel begins today provides a little more context when it tells us that Jesus was travelling with his disciples and the crowds down through the Jordan Valley into Judea and onto Jerusalem. When the Pharisees approach Jesus and ask the question:…
Submission to the Messiah
23 August 2015
Radio Program, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year B
The Gospel this Sunday concludes our readings from John 6 where Jesus now addresses himself only to his disciples, rather than to the whole crowd. We hear that many of his disciples draw back and grumble and complain about the teaching of Jesus. Not because they could not understand what he is saying, but because…
The Trinity and Gay Marriage
30 May 2015
On Trinity Sunday we celebrate the heart of our faith – an encounter with a God of love. The Trinity has often been described using images that in the end always limp and fail to capture the glory and sublime beauty of a doctrine that is only able to be encountered in prayer, rather than…
Rejoice always and pray constantly
14 December 2014
When you learn a new language one of the things that you need to become familiar with are the rules of grammar and syntax. But the degree to which you have to continue to remember each of the rules in turn is an indication that you haven’t yet become fluent in the new language. Once…
Timely weddings
20 January 2013
‘Nuptial imagery rings through the bible like peals of wedding bells’ (Bishop Tom Wright) Today we have the fourth of the great epiphanies – when the true identity of Jesus is revealed. Although it may be tempting to imagine the scene of the wedding at Cana as a contrast between the stale water of Judaism…
Marriage in the kingdom
7 October 2012
Discipleship, Season of Growth, Teaching, Year B
A line in the first reading (from Genesis 2) caught my attention today: “The man gave names to all the cattle…” I wondered how many species of cattle there are that they are worthy of a special mention? Mainly, the line caught my attention because it reminded me of growing up on our farm, and…
Marriage in the beginning
4 October 2009
Sunday 27 in the Season of the Year (B) | Mark 10:2-16 One thing that I have discovered, is that usually when a particular moral question is put to me by someone, almost inevitably there is a context – a back-story if you like. If I simply answer the question in the abstract, without attending…