Best Day

9 February 2025
Embracing Personal Transformation and Divine Grace: A Reflection Introduction: A Day of Reflection Have you ever paused to consider the last truly great day you experienced? A day when everything seemed to align perfectly, and you felt a sense of fulfillment? I had such a day recently. I was fortunate enough to have a day…
Encountering Joy and Love

22 December 2024
As we prepare for Christmas, we find ourselves pondering various themes that resonate deeply within us—hope, joy, peace, and the longing for purpose. In this season of Advent, we are invited to reflect on what it means to embody hope and to live in a state of peace, especially in a world that often feels…
Love God, Love others

3 November 2024
Embracing the Commandments: A Journey of Love and Curiosity Today, I want to share with you some reflections, where we delved into the profound themes of curiosity, the commandments in the Bible, and the transformative power of love. As we explore these themes, I hope to offer you valuable insights and actionable advice that can…
Remember the Why

31 August 2024
Understanding the Teachings of Jesus and the Purpose of the Commandments In today’s reflection, I want to draw your attention to a significant moment in the Gospel of Mark. If you’ve been following along, you may have noticed that I didn’t read the text exactly as it appears in the lectionary. Instead, I chose to…
Called to a lonely place

20 July 2024
Finding Solitude in the Midst of Chaos: A Reflection on Compassion and Spiritual Nourishment Watch the Mass In our fast-paced world, finding moments of solitude can seem like an impossible task. Yet, as Fr Richard Healey reflects in his homily, these moments are not just beneficial but essential for our spiritual well-being. Drawing from the…
Bags of Gold

19 November 2023
The Power of Conversations and the Parable of Talents Fr Richard Healey shares his insights on two contrasting conversations he had with fellow priests, which was both enlightening and deeply thought-provoking. It revolved around the Gospel reading about the parable of the bags of gold, also known as the parable of talents. The Parable of…
Grumbling Generosity

24 September 2023
“God is generous and God will pour himself out as much as we are able to receive. And our lives are about growing in that capacity to be able to be used and to receive the goodness of God.” Fr Richard Healey So many of us have a whole mix of memories from our childhood,…
Encountering the Living God
22 June 2014
When you think about God and how God offers a relationship with him, it seems to me that the word encounter is one of the more helpful ways of describing this relationship. Yet, when you look up the word encounter, you discover that it comes into the English language via the Old French word encontre,…
Trinity as Community and Relationship
15 June 2014
Easter, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year A
When it comes time to celebrate Trinity Sunday it can be tempting to settle in for another discussion on this abstract and irrelevant theological idea. Yet the readings that are offered for this Year A cycle give the clear basis for why the divine dance of love that describes the relationship between the Father, Son and…