Perfected in the paradise of purgatory (All Souls Day)

IMG_20140916_095320_15237226126_lWhen discussion turns to the last things – heaven, hell and purgatory – I am amazed how much of the discussion of such crucial questions in church circles is so muddy. We are talking about the destination for eternity – which most people know means a rather long time. In fact, we are more likely to be influenced by the images about such things that are presented by popular culture then the much richer descriptions present within the pages of the scriptures. So as we embark upon the month of November which begins with the dual celebration (or commemoration) of All Saints and All Souls, leading into the month of holy souls when most Masses during the month will be offered for the beloved dead of parishioners. So what is all of this about? How do we make sense of a concept like purgatory and where should it fit within our wider understanding and interpretation of the bible?

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Recorded at St Paul’s, 10am (13m 21s)

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