
Finding mercy and faith in the heart of Jesus

11 April 2010

Easter, Seasons

E2C – Second Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) In Acts we are given the strange detail that people were bringing their sick to lay them on the streets near where St Peter would walk, knowing that if even his shadow should touch them they might be healed. The power of his amazing shadow! Surely…

Why Resurrection Matters

5 April 2010

Easter, Seasons

http://www.robbell.com/ – Rob Bell presents a great new video on the difference that Resurrection makes and why it matters for us… all in 4 minutes. Well worth a watch! Jesus is standing in front of the temple in Jerusalemthe massive gleaming brick and stone and gold house of Godand he says destroy this templeand I’ll…

What resurrection means for the world (Easter Sunday)

4 April 2010

Easter, New Creation, Seasons, Teaching

We celebrate that moment in human history when the stone was rolled away. A sign and symbol of the separation that exists between life and death. A grave-robber had come – but it was God the Father who had acted in human history to defeat death. Death is our greatest fear and worry – human…

Death and new life in Luke (Easter Vigil)

3 April 2010

Easter, Seasons

Luke 24:1-12 Hey! I’ll let you in on a little secret. Are you ready? (whispering) Dead people – well, they usually stay dead. We didn’t need the insights and advances of medical science in the past couple hundred years for humans to know that. The scriptures make it clear that no one who was following…

Namaste – Holy Thursday

1 April 2010

Easter, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year C

Jesus was an endlessly fascinating character and a simply amazing human being. Across his whole life he never failed to love and bring life to the people that he mixed and shared with, as he taught and healed and forgave sins. In more recent years we were inspired by the example of Blessed Teresa of…

Chosen by Christ

16 May 2009

Easter, Season of Growth, Seasons, Year B

6th Sunday of Easter (Year B)In the Gospel (John 15:9-17) Jesus beautifully illustrates one of the key distinctions of Christianity – that it is not about our striving to find God, but about his choice of us to be his disciples and to live under the commandment to love. I discovered this personally some twenty…

Connected to the Vine

9 May 2009

Easter, Seasons

Happy Mothers’ Day! 5th Sunday of EasterThe image of Jesus as the vine giving life to the branches offers great possibilities to reflect on the place of our individual lives in the midst of much deeper realities. It also allows us to understand how we are connected with the whole church, especially as we pray…

Being led into the broad and good lands

3 May 2009

Easter, Seasons

Easter 4B (John 10: 11-18) In the image of Jesus as the Good Shepherd many people have taken great comfort over the centuries. Yet if we examine the image closely within the context of the broader scriptural story, we can see a deep challenge by the Lord to trust in his leadership and care as…

The resurrection body

26 April 2009

Easter, New Creation, Seasons, Teaching

Easter 3 (Year B) In Luke’s Gospel (24:35-48) we see the disciples gathered together, sharing stories of their encounters with the risen Lord – but still without the foggiest idea what it all means. One wonders whether we have a much better idea, even after 20 centuries of theological and spiritual reflection. Jesus seems to…

The journey of faith in John’s Gospel

19 April 2009

Easter, Seasons

2nd Sunday of Easter (Divine Mercy Sunday) – John 20:19-31In the magnificent 20th chapter of John’s Gospel, we see the culmination of the whole gospel – as Thomas eventually comes to declare his faith in the risen Lord he is able to state fully the statement of faith that was declared in the prologue -…

Easter Sunday

13 April 2009

Easter, Seasons

The first Easter day marked a massive change in world history – no longer would death have the final say. We are called to share in this work as well by being his people and to work to bring about new creation around us by opening ourselves to the kingdom of God and the power…

Easter Vigil – Exodus

11 April 2009

Easter, Seasons

Every year at the Easter Vigil, one Old Testament reading must be read – it is the story of the Exodus from Egypt. Surely this is because it is only when we understand God’s saving purpose – that he is a God who hears the cry of the poor and the oppressed and does something…

Holy Thursday

9 April 2009

Easter, Seasons

Jesus takes bread and gives it to us as his body – a gift totally given and completely received. Jesus transformed those who were at table with him from betrayers and sinners into welcome guests – and he continues to do the same with us. Recorded at St Michael’s 7pm. (5’10”)Play MP3

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