A very human Christmas

25 December 2024
Embracing the True Essence of Christmas Greetings, dear friends. As we gather to reflect on the profound significance of Christmas, I am reminded of the unique ways we experience this season, especially here in Australia. Unlike the snowy landscapes often depicted in Hollywood films, our Christmas is marked by warm weather and sunlit days. Yet,…
Encountering Joy and Love

22 December 2024
As we prepare for Christmas, we find ourselves pondering various themes that resonate deeply within us—hope, joy, peace, and the longing for purpose. In this season of Advent, we are invited to reflect on what it means to embody hope and to live in a state of peace, especially in a world that often feels…
Bags of Gold

19 November 2023
The Power of Conversations and the Parable of Talents Fr Richard Healey shares his insights on two contrasting conversations he had with fellow priests, which was both enlightening and deeply thought-provoking. It revolved around the Gospel reading about the parable of the bags of gold, also known as the parable of talents. The Parable of…
Called and chosen to love
10 May 2015
We often struggle with some very basic questions – like who are we? When we meet people for the first time, conversations invariably begin with a process of classification – so, what do you do? Where do you live? The Gospel today takes us to a much deeper place in our relationship with God. It…
Understanding Loneliness
29 March 2014
Bible, Discipleship, Teaching, Technology
A biblical and anthropological look at loneliness This talk was given to a group of young adults in Wollongong, in response to a request to look at why in an age of widespread online social networks, so many young people still experience profound loneliness. The talk first looks at the biblical background to the concept…